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  1. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    they've doxxed helen about 4 times now. first they were convinced it was Carole from loose women, next it was someone who won charity. whot an idiot
  2. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Who's Aileen? Is she in Liverpool? I don't think it's someone old from the PTWM thread as only in the last few months did the sado become obsessed with PTWM since she realised PTWM would give them attention :poop: The person allegedly outed on PTWM recently literally posted to say a post on...
  3. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Can someone explain in simple terms what's happening? There defo is a mod, I reported about 20 posts last night to ask for the title to be update and it has now! But I haven't seen them post in this thread, there's tiktok threads here but not read them.
  4. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    What has she said?
  5. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    They're a useful idiot. Ptwm wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Someone stupid who will do others dirty work. The s is still sticking to ptwm. It's a sad little life that messages from ptwm is a huge deal for them.
  6. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    I've reported this thread three times to update the title but they haven't done it, can we mass report it?
  7. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Getting followers on their trolling Tattlers account is actually one of the biggest thing in their life. It's so tragic. Trying to pretend they have all this power. 🤪🤪🤪.
  8. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    She's so cray. Going on about she's confirmed that the police aren't interested in the harassment of posting peoples addresses and saying you're watching them. As if she's phoned every police constabulary in the country, told them about a doxxing account she runs and they voluntarily said nah...
  9. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    She's getting really worried now about being unmasked! You can tell. She don't like that she has a thread on comment cafe!!