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  1. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Just seen her insta updates, I don’t have TT, has she moved house? Why’s she getting new wardrobes, carpets and internet? Also didn’t she say her birthday was last month ages ago? She’s looking forward to… food vouchers being sent to her. Jesus Christ change the record 😴 I hate body shaming...
  2. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Can someone please explain the bag handle bracelet? I’m desperate to know and I suspect it’s going to be a corker!
  3. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Can someone please explain the bag handle bracelet? I’m desperate to know and I suspect it’s going to be a corker!
  4. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Typical, only follow her on IG as I don’t have TT and the first thing she’s posted in ages is begging for food - looks like she’s not in short supply of that! She’s trying to cover all her ‘fan bases’ 😂
  5. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Typical, only follow her on IG as I don’t have TT and the first thing she’s posted in ages is begging for food - looks like she’s not in short supply of that! She’s trying to cover all her ‘fan bases’ 😂
  6. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Shall we club together to buy her a set of weighing scales?! I’m not on TT and she rarely puts anything in her insta anymore, looks nothing has changed. She has the movements of a cumbersome rhinoceros, thundering about her filthy hovel - no wonder she breaks everything. She’s the epitome of a...
  7. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Shall we club together to buy her a set of weighing scales?! I’m not on TT and she rarely puts anything in her insta anymore, looks nothing has changed. She has the movements of a cumbersome rhinoceros, thundering about her filthy hovel - no wonder she breaks everything. She’s the epitome of a...
  8. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Cheers. Crown court means a proper sentence of some kind doesn’t it? Not sure, funnily enough I’m not that au fait with the court system what with being a fairly law abiding decent citizen 😂
  9. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Cheers. Crown court means a proper sentence of some kind doesn’t it? Not sure, funnily enough I’m not that au fait with the court system what with being a fairly law abiding decent citizen 😂
  10. Lou @Lifewithloux

    I’ve been MIA for a few weeks, it puts me in too negative a mind frame and saps too much of my time to keep up with it all! But I’m guessing Ste didn’t go to jail? Is she still the same useless lump that she’s always been?
  11. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I’ve been MIA for a few weeks, it puts me in too negative a mind frame and saps too much of my time to keep up with it all! But I’m guessing Ste didn’t go to jail? Is she still the same useless lump that she’s always been?
  12. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Reading his tattle threads was how I found Lou, he kills me laughing on the reg, that tattle thread is the funniest thing ever 😂😂
  13. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Reading his tattle threads was how I found Lou, he kills me laughing on the reg, that tattle thread is the funniest thing ever 😂😂
  14. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Don’t think I’ve once ever heard her mention going to a group or therapy session. Never. Isn’t it part of wacovewey? An integral one? I might be way off the mark, just basing it on things I’ve watched/read…
  15. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Don’t think I’ve once ever heard her mention going to a group or therapy session. Never. Isn’t it part of wacovewey? An integral one? I might be way off the mark, just basing it on things I’ve watched/read…
  16. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Also, right at the beginning it sounds like she almost goes to take full responsibility- I was momentarily winded (no, I haven’t borrowed the crusty choking choker) with shock until she she manages to drag limpdick down with her 😂 “I’ve only got myself to blame, I can’t blame anyone else…. Well...
  17. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Also, right at the beginning it sounds like she almost goes to take full responsibility- I was momentarily winded (no, I haven’t borrowed the crusty choking choker) with shock until she she manages to drag limpdick down with her 😂 “I’ve only got myself to blame, I can’t blame anyone else…. Well...
  18. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She’s giving us all the energy tonight, feeling hyper so she might move a lightbulb 😂 and Carol vorderman circles where half is asleep and the other half has another piece in so it’s it’s 3… doesn’t really go on to say much else about this other than we probably don’t know what she means but...
  19. M

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She’s giving us all the energy tonight, feeling hyper so she might move a lightbulb 😂 and Carol vorderman circles where half is asleep and the other half has another piece in so it’s it’s 3… doesn’t really go on to say much else about this other than we probably don’t know what she means but...
  20. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Spilt the Evian - here’s an idea, just get your water out of the tap like most people! Honestly the way she wastes money that she claims not to have really puzzles me.