dakota warren


New member
Dec 7, 2023
dakota warren is a massively pretentious booktoker and dark academia influencer whose fandom worships her like a goddess who can do no wrong, her content is hollow and curated to appeal to the algorithm. somehow won goodreads book of the year award with her book on sun swallowing, in which the so called poetry is just as shallow as youd expect. so basically a female jack edwards.
this thread also concerns the rest of her aristocrat the secret history larper circle.


New member
Mar 5, 2024
im soooo over dark academia influencers profiting off making reading dorian gray and smoking "aEsThEtIc ✨✨✨". literaly all her fans are young girls who wanna be her and praise her book or her equally as pretentious peers like jack edwards . :rolleyes:

this whole "I aM tHe dEvIlS dAuGhTeR bUt Im aLsO jUsT a gIrL!!!11!!" schtick is getting old. "im just a girl 🥺🥺" at almost 25 yeeahhhh okay dakota. sure girl.
also anybody else find this whole male gaze pandering off putting??? for someone who gushes on about "divine mary jane nabokov god killing ballet girlhood" so much, she sure does her best to interject some bs about how seeexxxyyy reading is while thirst trapping (most of her fans seem to be teen girls btw)

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