Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Sam Mitchell

Mar 5, 2024
Sheryl, this is your fing post you have lierally come from nowhere and now we can’t shut you up. Anybody says anything nasty you cry like a b what the do was that this afternoon I’ve been abused what is that got to do with Pearl calling you an absolute t Nothing you wanted to simply vote. You have nothing interesting to say you only agree with answers because you can’t think for yourself and how dare anyone confront Lindsey with the truth because good old sheryl will step in.


Mar 5, 2024
So. What I want to know is who is the next victim? Half of these creators can't go a day without having a victim in sight...

Place your bets
Sheryl showed weakness, she'll be bullied like pisshead debs.
Feb 28, 2024
Your mum
The thing is what confuses me the most is there was a daughter posted on her facebook with pictures and everything pineapple wasnt in any of them, before she locked it but she does only have 3 boys so all her fb people are being lied to also
It was her ex step daughter I believe
Kirsty shut your mouth you manky toothed dog you spent years earning of the back of a peado and still your house is a s hole instead you spent the money on fags and energy drinks. Shes only involved in this drama to pay for her fat surgery in turkey!! Cant wait till she gets ran off the app again
couldn’t have said it better myself 👏🏽
Feb 27, 2024
Sheryl, this is your fing post you have lierally come from nowhere and now we can’t shut you up. Anybody says anything nasty you cry like a b what the do was that this afternoon I’ve been abused what is that got to do with Pearl calling you an absolute t Nothing you wanted to simply vote. You have nothing interesting to say you only agree with answers because you can’t think for yourself and how dare anyone confront Lindsey with the truth because good old sheryl will step iIn the name of God

Sheryl, this is your fing post you have lierally come from nowhere and now we can’t shut you up. Anybody says anything nasty you cry like a b what the do was that this afternoon I’ve been abused what is that got to do with Pearl calling you an absolute t Nothing you wanted to simply vote. You have nothing interesting to say you only agree with answers because you can’t think for yourself and how dare anyone confront Lindsey with the truth because good old sheryl will step in.
In the name of all that's unholy,dark and moist would you do off with these essays
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