Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 13, 2024
Aww hunny, it really is a lot and I am so sorry if you're triggered by any of this or if I came across insensitive, I am currently removing my foot from my mouth.
Once again, a massive hug being sent your way and I apologise if I offended you and if you need to chat you can message me, hope you're ok xx
Thank you I'm ok. Just had a stressful week in the real world and today's been tough but I'm OK thank you hope you're good too. Inbox me anytime.
Anyone is welcome to inbox me if they need to talk x
Mar 16, 2024
Thank you I'm ok. Just had a stressful week in the real world and today's been tough but I'm OK thank you hope you're good too. Inbox me anytime.
Anyone is welcome to inbox me if they need to talk x
Sent you a message on TT.
I am ok, also had a tough week so totally get you and once again sorry if I came across insensitive, anixety, MH, all of it, it's fing s and I feel s for everyone trying to get through it xx
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