Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 1, 2024
I’m waiting for another season to drop. I’m desperate for more. I haven’t noticed you moving suspiciously here, so without evidence you’re Lottie, I won’t be assuming you are because a new account came in acting weird as do
Thank you , yes they left us hanging on that last episode and I heard it was canceled. That plm group must spend the whole day trying to figure out who every troll account is , must be exhausting
I have, I fed about with accents in Angela’s box. I was northern, Newcastle, Russian and Irish!
Any chance you can hold accent lessons? I’m good at French and American but I slip out easily and some words come out funny 😂 you’re so good at it. I can’t do ANY uk accents, I’m an embarrassment
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Any chance you can hold accent lessons? I’m good at French and American but I slip out easily and some words come out funny 😂 you’re so good at it. I can’t do ANY uk accents, I’m an embarrassment
I can do a lot of accents but omg it’s so easy to slip into others - takes real focus. My Irish can sometimes slip into Jamaican 💀
Thank you , yes they left us hanging on that last episode and I heard it was canceled. That plm group must spend the whole day trying to figure out who every troll account is , must be exhausting
I often get weird vibes from some accounts and I always check back on probiotics comments they make and in what threads. I was calling out 2 accounts just yesterday. I think I’ve become the internal investigator in here 😂
Feb 29, 2024
I’ve been accused of being her several times but Ang knows I’m not 🙄 Any idea who’s saying it? Also, can you ask Ang to unblock me please, it’s so frustrating not being able to go in and bloody deny it 😩
I’ve asked about 20 times and the mods are too busy shagging each other’s arses 🤬
DG is one sick bastard. Just scrolled in his live and his next act is to get a bag (sorry can't spell it glostame) and fill with sweetcorn and poo like stuff. Sit at a bus stop and play with it and let it burst!! All for a fing laugh!!! 😡😡😡
Wow, that’s incredibly offensive to those who have to have colostomy bags. They have to deal with jokes and mocking already. How dare he. That’s pissed me off as I’ve a family member that suffered depression from being told their colostomy bag is now permanent, after removal of 7/8ths of their bowel from barely operable cancer. Big up DG you absolute t
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