Elon Musk



R to @anothercohen: He has a prominent, active Twitter account and is wealthy. The reason he confronted me in public was to get a big payout.

From what I’ve been told, he’s done almost no work for the past four months, middle-management or otherwise.

Despite his claims on Twitter that he did…



R to @ZubyMusic: This pervasive cultural pessimism is at the heart of societal dysfunction.

Better to be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right!



R to @ShellenbergerMD: A shameful case of weaponization of a government agency for political purposes and suppression of the truth!



RT by @elonmusk: “We don’t want to be one of those lame, one-planet, civilizations, please!!” - @elonmusk today live on Morgan Stanley Conference. 🎬



R to @danielhoughton: Based on your comment, I just did a videocall with Halli to figure out what’s real vs what I was told. It’s a long story.

Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet.



R to @DrJBhattacharya: This is a serious attack on the Constitution by a federal agency.



R to @elonmusk: I would like to apologize to Halli for my misunderstanding of his situation. It was based on things I was told that were untrue or, in some cases, true, but not meaningful.

He is considering remaining at Twitter.