Elon Musk



R to @covid_clarity: Not when they’re fed propaganda by adults.

Moreover, every child goes through an identity crisis before their personality/identity crystallizes.

Therefore, we shouldn’t allow severe, irreversible surgery or sterilizing drugs that they may regret until at least age 18.



R to @doc_gero: Twitter can unfortunately send one down a negativity rathole at times. Good to take breaks.



R to @teslaownersSV: SpaceX will be ready to launch Starship in a few weeks, then launch timing depends on FAA license approval.

Assuming that takes a few weeks, first launch attempt will be near end of third week of April, aka …



R to @BillAckman: The inefficiency of the set of heterogeneous resource allocation databases we call money is astounding



R to @RichardGrenell: Go to your Followers tab if you only want to see their posts or make a List for specific accounts.

The recommendation code is being cleaned up, so expect some oddness during this process. Debugging how ~200M posts are distilled down to ~200 is tricky.



R to @elonmusk: It will be made open source, but we’re finding so many bugs that those should be fixed first