Elon Musk



R to @paulg: Once prominent, they’re one of the few to have succeeded. Too much talent is chasing software, much like Hollywood has too much talent chasing acting.

It’s silly to have 10 talented entrepreneurs all chase same SaaS niche when they could be epically successful in heavy industry.



Tesla opening Megapack factory in Shanghai to supplement output of Megapack factory in California



R to @paulg: Our lifespan is programmed into our genes, just like it is for fruit flies or pets.

Fruit are already vegan & even if they do yoga every day & take every supplement, they still only live 50 days.



R to @ScottAdamsSays: Beats me. Some amount of ivory tower pseudointellectualism is probably to blame.



R to @AnonOpsUnited: I’m told Putin called me a war criminal for helping Ukraine, so he’s not exactly my best friend.

All news is to some degree propaganda. Let people decide for themselves.



R to @DavidSacks: Yeah, wrong on many levels. Tesla is increasing production rapidly in Texas, California & Nevada.

Our competitors require subsidies, not us. That said, if competitors get subsidies, Tesla should get them too.

Tesla’s competitive position would improve if all subsidies ended.



R to @TitterDaily: This platform will neither promote nor limit their accounts, but we will rapidly address any attempts at gaming the system.

It is a weak move to engage in censorship just because others do so. Letting our press be free when theirs is not demonstrates strength.