Elon Musk



R to @GRDecter: Or we don’t hire anyone, but simply enable content creators to prosper on this platform without applying censorship that goes beyond the law



R to @krassenstein: To paraphrase a famous statement about democracy:

Free press is the worst form of press – except for all the others that have been tried.



RT by @elonmusk: Given the moves by Fox and CNN news today with the firings of Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson, I think what we have is mainstream media realizing that change is needed. People don't want to be mislead by news stations. They also don't want misogynistic viewpoints to flourish.

As much heat as Elon Musk takes from a lot of people, some rightfully so, I do believe that ultimately his intentions with Twitter are good. Everyone may not view them as being good, but he does.

Elon wants to allow for free speech while also allowing for the community to fact-check any misinformation. For those of you who have not had a chance to check out community notes, I highly recommend doing so. They, in my opinion, are a really viable means for fact-checking.

I believe the community note model can also be extended for things like hate speech, misogynistic remarks, etc. Let the community help decide on things more than any one individual at Twitter.

Personally I like community notes because anyone who tells me that my tweets are "Fake News," I can simply tell them to "community note" them.



R to @unusual_whales: Nice. Just me here @elonmusk too. If something dumb is said, it’s definitely me.



R to @KanekoaTheGreat: Exactly right. If we lose freedom of speech, it’s never coming back.

Beware of censorship lest ye censored.



R to @waitbutwhy: Mind-blowing concept when you first hear it.

There is arguably a practical maximum to digits of pi, which is the number required to divide the universe into cubes of Planck length.