Elon Musk



R to @amasad: Von Neumann … would obviously be a bridge too far, but maybe someone who can fix their own wifi router wouldn’t be too much to ask



R to @jonastsla: Yeah, like @geoffreyhinton, for example. I talked to him earlier this week. He just wants to Netflix & chill.



R to @marenkahnert: I’d just to see a picture of this mine. Like, where is it exactly!?



R to @EdKrassen: People definitely shouldn’t be attacked for doing good. Is it really just a question of money to restore hearing?

I’m always looking ways to donate money that are actually good. Perhaps this is one.

It is very hard to donate money if you about it doing actual good, not merely the appearance of it.



R to @stats_feed: This is incorrect. The de facto US national income tax is 40%. When added to California state income tax, it is 53%.

That means the state confiscates a majority of your income. But hey, at least they’re fixing the potholes, right?

If you then give money to a person beyond the gift tax exemption while you’re living or dead, cut that in half again.



R to @WholeMarsBlog: That would be awesome. I suspect they will say no, but I will ask Warren & Charlie.