Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 12, 2023
I know Lou is a fing druggy sbag but at least when she had her kid's her posts was about being with them, doing activities like learning to count etc, I can't say I have EVER seen any posts,stories or anything with the fat b doing anything with her kids & when she does take them to soft play, pumpkin farm etc all she does is story about how s it is & how she hates it blah blah blah, shouldn't she be enjoying the time with her kids, she's absolutely fing delusional
Apr 16, 2023
I know Lou is a fing druggy sbag but at least when she had her kid's her posts was about being with them, doing activities like learning to count etc, I can't say I have EVER seen any posts,stories or anything with the fat b doing anything with her kids & when she does take them to soft play, pumpkin farm etc all she does is story about how s it is & how she hates it blah blah blah, shouldn't she be enjoying the time with her kids, she's absolutely fing delusional
Only time you see KK doing stuff like that, is when she reads here, after reading here and lous thankfully lou aint got hers but these 2 muppets aren't to be trusted with animals let alone kids


Oct 29, 2023
Yeah, I agree. ‘Backwards billy’ isn’t nice. I mean, my children attend the same school as B. They are a great school, really good with SEN children and do give the kids that need it that extra push of encouragement.

However, to flip it, I have personally witnessed B run out of the car, and across the play ground shouting and swearing. Additional needs or not, swearing is taught at that age (in my opinion).

It is shocking how she didn’t know either. The school do send regular updates on the kids, and what they’re learning. I can tell you exactly what my child is learning at the moment, what their strengths are and where they may need some further help.

Kayleigh herself has said before she doesn’t believe B has ‘additional needs’ so on that basis, so be it true or not, that is down to sty parenting?

I have a niece that is autistic, and I can be the first person to tell you, my sister has moved hell and earth to get the support, help and adaptions for my niece put in place. Again, Kayleigh hasn’t done that.

Kayleigh does have to blame herself somewhere in this situation. It is not and never will be a schools job to parent where she is unable or cannot be bothered.
May 23, 2023
"Backwards billy"
I've stopped commenting here because frankly the double standards are astounding. But so many of you here claim to have children with additional needs and you all seem to let these ableist comments slide because they're aimed at Kayleighs kids.
Imagine someone called your child a backwards Billy. You'd be up in arms but no its okay because it's K, so it must be her fault.
Hmmm imagine? My kids have been called the n word, drug dealers, said they look like they have cancer amongst many other things by the scrote and her little friends already so no need for me to imagine. I think ‘backwards billy’ is tame in comparison mate 🙃
Apr 16, 2023
Yeah, I agree. ‘Backwards billy’ isn’t nice. I mean, my children attend the same school as B. They are a great school, really good with SEN children and do give the kids that need it that extra push of encouragement.

However, to flip it, I have personally witnessed B run out of the car, and across the play ground shouting and swearing. Additional needs or not, swearing is taught at that age (in my opinion).

It is shocking how she didn’t know either. The school do send regular updates on the kids, and what they’re learning. I can tell you exactly what my child is learning at the moment, what their strengths are and where they may need some further help.

Kayleigh herself has said before she doesn’t believe B has ‘additional needs’ so on that basis, so be it true or not, that is down to sty parenting?

I have a niece that is autistic, and I can be the first person to tell you, my sister has moved hell and earth to get the support, help and adaptions for my niece put in place. Again, Kayleigh hasn’t done that.

Kayleigh does have to blame herself somewhere in this situation. It is not and never will be a schools job to parent where she is unable or cannot be bothered.
Totally agree, swearing is either taught or something they hear from some1 else so KK is that the schools fault aswell, and if hes heard it from some1 else you correct your kids not sit and think its funny, but just shows how your dragging the kids up, i also agree that school even more so sen kids are kept up to date with how child getting on also work sent home to learn or do you not believe in homework either KK because that would mean you have to actually spend time with your kids, Dan is there all the time there is no excuse either 1 of you could teach them, and before you say we work, so does most ppl, but still come home make meals sort kids do reading and homework before bed ,it's your fault he can't count, it's your fault he swears it's your fault your a s mother
Sep 30, 2023
Saying that she doesn’t have the luxury of having the children baby sat so her and Dan can do separate Christmas shopping for the kids… you’re ’separated’ so you can do yours while the kids are with Dan and he can do his when the kids are with you - why does every problem in her life have to be the fault of someone or something else? They have a Christmas present each because YOU decided to do the shopping with the kids in tow that YOU didn’t need to do. You could have ordered online, 99% of kids toys are the same price on Amazon as they are in Smyths and etc.


Apr 25, 2023
Saying that she doesn’t have the luxury of having the children baby sat so her and Dan can do separate Christmas shopping for the kids… you’re ’separated’ so you can do yours while the kids are with Dan and he can do his when the kids are with you - why does every problem in her life have to be the fault of someone or something else? They have a Christmas present each because YOU decided to do the shopping with the kids in tow that YOU didn’t need to do. You could have ordered online, 99% of kids toys are the same price on Amazon as they are in Smyths and etc.
Also the kids are both in school full time what's stopping her going during the day ? Not like she has a job to go to...


Apr 16, 2023
Swearing is definitely learned behaviour. I can vouch for that as after calling someone a Dickhead in the car, child 2 then preceded to shout Dickhead everytime we got in the car for the next few days 😵‍💫Marvellous. I said twice that it was an adults word & little girls can’t say it, then I ignored her & thankfully she forgot about it.

Doesn’t give me the same release whispering it under my breath now but I don’t want a poetry mouth at nursery 🤷‍♀️


Apr 16, 2023
Saying that she doesn’t have the luxury of having the children baby sat so her and Dan can do separate Christmas shopping for the kids… you’re ’separated’ so you can do yours while the kids are with Dan and he can do his when the kids are with you - why does every problem in her life have to be the fault of someone or something else? They have a Christmas present each because YOU decided to do the shopping with the kids in tow that YOU didn’t need to do. You could have ordered online, 99% of kids toys are the same price on Amazon as they are in Smyths and etc.
She chose to fall out with every single friend & family member. It’s her own fault she has no support system.
Also, if if her kids are feral, no one would want to babysit them anyway.
Apr 16, 2023
Saying that she doesn’t have the luxury of having the children baby sat so her and Dan can do separate Christmas shopping for the kids… you’re ’separated’ so you can do yours while the kids are with Dan and he can do his when the kids are with you - why does every problem in her life have to be the fault of someone or something else? They have a Christmas present each because YOU decided to do the shopping with the kids in tow that YOU didn’t need to do. You could have ordered online, 99% of kids toys are the same price on Amazon as they are in Smyths and etc.
It's common sense KK, are you sure Lou and you aren't related 🤔
Apr 16, 2023
She chose to fall out with every single friend & family member. It’s her own fault she has no support system.
Also, if if her kids are feral, no one would want to babysit them anyway.
Exactly, maybe if she learn't them basic manners from the start along with numbers etc the wouldn't be as bad, i bet they were both pro's on the tablets and phones from a young age though, since there always on them with the dummy
May 23, 2023
Listen she deserves everything she gets. She’s a nasty b and calling her kid backwards is no issue in my mind. she spent years on her phone ignoring Bobby, trolling everyone, focusing on us and look how we’ve evolved and he hasn’t. No sympathy sorry. Look at what she’s said about yams kids, backwards is hardly fing horrendous is it.
Right? It’s almost as if it was KK herself trying to deflect from her s parenting. Specially the comment about the school taking accountability 🥱
Jul 30, 2023
Well thats new as i didn't no about the ta, why would they do that , only time that happened at my childs school was if ss was involved or foster carers, she's prob said she's to famous can you bring kids out so i don't get mobbed 🤣
This does happen at my child's school for children with behavioural problems
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