Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
It’s hardly that I had No clue, I’ve seen some things that have been posted on here, and tattle that I don’t agree with, and think make people as bad as her, but I also feel I’ve missed a lot of what has, or hasn’t, gone on! I still don’t think a witch hunt is fair, or even remotely okay, and I don’t think stooping to her level is right either.
Noone could stoop THAT low.
Apr 16, 2023
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
I think that we all agree that She needs help, however, she’s never going to get/accept help because she sees nothing wrong with any of her behaviours! Everyone else is at fault except her.
At this stage I don’t wish for the children to be removed from her but I do hope (but not holding my breath) that she takes this as a wake up call. They need more from her than she has given them emotionally and physically. She really does need to step away from SM and concentrate on herself and the children……and stop once and for all craving the attention, in whatever guise, from complete strangers
Nov 21, 2023
I’m actually unsure what else I’m supposed to do to prove I’m not Kayleigh 😂 I have no idea about the other accounts, they could be for all I bloody know, but like I said yesterday when I was being told that I was her, I’m not. Not from down south. I’m a mam of two young boys. I’m married. I can spell relatively well when autocorrect isn’t being a complete toss pot, just someone trying to play devils advocate, and very clearly failing/making an arse of herself.
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Apr 16, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart no one cares hun, no one. Not a single one of us. As @Up the bum no harm done said, no one could stoop as low as her but stoop we fing will because we are grown arse people with our own opinions. If she didn't like it, maybe she should have kept her opinion to herself. You can brown nose her all you like, you're waisting your time. Can't stop won't stop🙌 will never ever stop🙌
May 23, 2023
It’s hardly that I had No clue, I’ve seen some things that have been posted on here, and tattle that I don’t agree with, and think make people as bad as her, but I also feel I’ve missed a lot of what has, or hasn’t, gone on! I still don’t think a witch hunt is fair, or even remotely okay, and I don’t think stooping to her level is right either.
Reporting to relevant services instead of posting TikTok’s about her or contacting her work place etc is stopping to her level? I beg of you make one of your replies something I can’t rebuke without wanting to punch myself in the face!
May 23, 2023
I’m actually unsure what else I’m supposed to do to prove I’m not Kayleigh 😂 I have no idea about the other accounts, they could be for all I bloody know, but like I said yesterday when I was being told that I was her, I’m not. Not from down south. I’m a mam of two young boys. I’m married. I can spell relatively well when autocorrect isn’t being a complete toss pot, just someone trying to play devils advocate, and very clearly failing/making an arse of herself.
Down south but a ‘mam’ 👀👀👀👀 south of where lad?
Nov 21, 2023
Reporting to relevant services instead of posting TikTok’s about her or contacting her work place etc is stopping to her level? I beg of you make one of your replies something I can’t rebuke without wanting to punch myself in the face!
The need to belittle and name call online is more of what I was getting at. The using trolling websites to drag someone down. Report to social. That’s not the issue.
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Apr 16, 2023
I have a genuine question, just for one second imagine she was feeling this way? Depressed. Suicidal. Because of the things that have been shared and said here and, god forbid, something did happen, would you still all sit her, gloating? Virtually giving high fives to one another. At what point does it go too far? At what point does it stop? Like I’ve said, maybe I am naive, and if that turns out to be the case I’ll come right back here and apologise for acting like a martyr! But what is too far? What is going to stop people gathering online and plotting?
If people put themselves out there and want a following, people are going to have an opinion. Good and bad. The bad will come from that person's behaviours not out of thin air. There is no plotting. However, if a child is being/has been abused it is anyones duty as human beings to report that behaviour.

I understand to some degree what you're saying but I don't think you quite understand the bigger picture. You can't treat people the way she has and never expect any comeback from it.
You can't abuse your daughter, lie to the school about the abuse, and cry poor mental health to make it stop.

K contradicts herself constantly. You only have to see her posts from the past few weeks to know that what she's complaining about today, contacting people etc is EXACTLY what she has done.
I'm sorry you feel so strongly and are clearly worried about her. I mean this in the nicest way, please stay off here. The majority of people on here, she has done dirty. We don't have anything nice to say because she isn't a nice person. We are venting at the hypocrisy, the abuse, the embarrassing Etc.
Protect yourself, you're not going to get anyone changing their minds and no one is going directly to her to 'troll'. People have contacted SS because of the abuse but that's standard for anyone to do if they know a minor or anyone in fact is hurt/has been hurt.


New member
Nov 22, 2023
Omg I canne believe it's true!!!!! This woman has a thread!!!!! I canne say much but this thread is the talk of the playground at the moment!!!!! Im not part of the group shes reported but shes reported a few lassies in a group of mums to the police and everyones talking about it!!!! Rumour is the head called her in but she hasnt shown up or refused too!!!!! Can anyone give me a brief update????? We all watch out for her like a hawk on the school run but recently shes been parking up else where and we havent seen hide or hair of her for days!!! So glad the biggest bully is falling!!!! I hope her and her nasty kids are removed from the school!! They don't deserve to be there!!! Nothing but trouble with families like that!!!! We see you kayleigh!!!!!! I thought it was bad when her OF was being shown around the playground at drop off but whatever happened now is worse!!!! Fill me in???


Aug 13, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart, I think you’ve either been brainwashed by KK herself, or you’ve come into this thread completely oblivious to literally 98% of things.
‘Two wrongs don’t make a right’ no, they don’t! However it’s everyone duty to safe guard children. Literally everyone’s. No one is wanting them to be ‘removed’ as such, but I think as a Mum yourself, removal may well be more beneficial even if it’s just whilst assessments/support is offered, rather than we all ignore that both children have had bruises which school has had concerns over, and KK admitting to blacking a child’s eye whilst ‘bollocking’ her. A lot of members on this thread was genuinely upset by that (myself included).
If KK is offered support, engages and changes then fab!! I think all of us on here would love to see that happen. But sadly If you known of KK as long as a lot of us has, you’d understand why we do not think she’d ever do that. By changing you’d need to admit your mistakes, hold your hands up and take responsibility. I don’t think KK has ever done that.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Omg I canne believe it's true!!!!! This woman has a thread!!!!! I canne say much but this thread is the talk of the playground at the moment!!!!! Im not part of the group shes reported but shes reported a few lassies in a group of mums to the police and everyones talking about it!!!! Rumour is the head called her in but she hasnt shown up or refused too!!!!! Can anyone give me a brief update????? We all watch out for her like a hawk on the school run but recently shes been parking up else where and we havent seen hide or hair of her for days!!! So glad the biggest bully is falling!!!! I hope her and her nasty kids are removed from the school!! They don't deserve to be there!!! Nothing but trouble with families like that!!!! We see you kayleigh!!!!!! I thought it was bad when her OF was being shown around the playground at drop off but whatever happened now is worse!!!! Fill me in???
You got some reading to do lass
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