Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
Not a doubt in my mind it was her. Seen it all before many times. The narc rage, the ott explosive replies, the use of words like vitriol etc

I can just see her and forehead both being drunk while she’s on holiday in a group chat together planning it all.
The fact she’s now posting it all over her stories. If it wasn’t me I’d have read what was said about me and LMAO, wouldn’t give it the time of day. Kk has accused me of calling police, sending her letters in the post, all sorts, because it’s not true I just laugh it off, maybe with a story, maybe just on a group chat, I’d never take up the time to inform my followers who don’t even know the forum exists that I’m not who certain people think I am. Smacks of guilt and hungover regret to me 🤣🤣 maybe I should actually get the police involved this time, you know, to help clear her innocent name 🥰
Apr 12, 2023
The fact she’s now posting it all over her stories. If it wasn’t me I’d have read what was said about me and LMAO, wouldn’t give it the time of day. Kk has accused me of calling police, sending her letters in the post, all sorts, because it’s not true I just laugh it off, maybe with a story, maybe just on a group chat, I’d never take up the time to inform my followers who don’t even know the forum exists that I’m not who certain people think I am. Smacks of guilt and hungover regret to me 🤣🤣 maybe I should actually get the police involved this time, you know, to help clear her innocent name 🥰
Well it’s not like the police haven’t had to visit her before for this and hate crimes are very serious so you definitely have a case!
May 5, 2023
I’ve been a crap troll today, instead of sitting on my fat arse being jealous of Lou, STEEEE and all the other instatwats. I poked my head out of my hole and got some fresh air 😂

What’s Lou been up to today?

.....opening a box choc-full of Temu tat and waiting for a train. She's sooooo boring lately, tbh 🥱😴💤🥴🤣

Actually, she had painted nails. With that and Ste's new joke of a t.shirt, I wonder if the train journey was their annual jolly to visit Alfie? (It's an open adoption, according to the greatest mum on earth, where they get one visit a year and photo's sent at special times like Christmas, his birthday, etc.,).....
Apr 16, 2023
Well it’s not like the police haven’t had to visit her before for this and hate crimes are very serious so you definitely have a case!

I've just buckled up and caught up on KK coming on as ivy the troll hunter on lous thead.

What a dirty fing s she is. Never in my life have I read such racist, homophobic and abelist slurs she is absolutely grim. I know with her neglecting Ted bundy and Cheese, all the noncey sexual content filmed in their rooms, copious amounts of beige dinners and out of date food that she feeds them, the sheer amount of weird men around them and general neglect and lack of care they recieve. It all shoes shes gross but this is really REALLY GROSS.

Shame on you moby dick, for being a disgusting rotten person inside and out. THIS is why you're alone. THIS is why no one likes you, don't you see that? You're gonna be a fat fing nobody forever and I can tell you that without lowering myself to spewing racial, homophobic or abelist insults at you because they aren't in my vocabulary because I'm not a fing fat slug like you.

I'm just glad your pathetic stories have outed you for who you really are and you best fing believe I'm gonna tell everyone about tattle, comment cafe, your reddit threads and scream it to the roof tops what a monumental failure you are. You've failed at being a mother, a wife, at life in general and now you've even failed at trolling and outed yourself you unevolved 400BC neanderthal t.

You're so pent up with rage and tbh so would I be if I had to walk around as you. A common w with Ted Bundy for a son and a dairy product for a daughter. No surprise there as she was birthed from a cow. I have zero chill about coming for you and your kids so unmask ME, as if I'd give a do. I can at least know I can hold my head high because there isn't a single person in the world I'd call the S word, the N word or the F word. Oh and I dont have any pictures of your kids or anyone else's on my phone because i'm not a peado like you. You're a fing disgrace and your hideous mother is probably glad she died so she doesn't have the shame of having you for a child.

Enjoy your lonely life in your dated house with no genuine or substantial relationships in your life. No one wants you and that's where that came from last night. Well take your s show out on someone, somewhere else because funnily enough you're not welcome here either.

Going over to her thread now but had to add this hear - I'd deffo be reporting her now she's literally handed over evidence. Thanks KK.

KK Kling-on

Apr 16, 2023
I've just buckled up and caught up on KK coming on as ivy the troll hunter on lous thead.

What a dirty fing s she is. Never in my life have I read such racist, homophobic and abelist slurs she is absolutely grim. I know with her neglecting Ted bundy and Cheese, all the noncey sexual content filmed in their rooms, copious amounts of beige dinners and out of date food that she feeds them, the sheer amount of weird men around them and general neglect and lack of care they recieve. It all shoes shes gross but this is really REALLY GROSS.

Shame on you moby dick, for being a disgusting rotten person inside and out. THIS is why you're alone. THIS is why no one likes you, don't you see that? You're gonna be a fat fing nobody forever and I can tell you that without lowering myself to spewing racial, homophobic or abelist insults at you because they aren't in my vocabulary because I'm not a fing fat slug like you.

I'm just glad your pathetic stories have outed you for who you really are and you best fing believe I'm gonna tell everyone about tattle, comment cafe, your reddit threads and scream it to the roof tops what a monumental failure you are. You've failed at being a mother, a wife, at life in general and now you've even failed at trolling and outed yourself you unevolved 400BC neanderthal t.

You're so pent up with rage and tbh so would I be if I had to walk around as you. A common w with Ted Bundy for a son and a dairy product for a daughter. No surprise there as she was birthed from a cow. I have zero chill about coming for you and your kids so unmask ME, as if I'd give a do. I can at least know I can hold my head high because there isn't a single person in the world I'd call the S word, the N word or the F word. Oh and I dont have any pictures of your kids or anyone else's on my phone because i'm not a peado like you. You're a fing disgrace and your hideous mother is probably glad she died so she doesn't have the shame of having you for a child.

Enjoy your lonely life in your dated house with no genuine or substantial relationships in your life. No one wants you and that's where that came from last night. Well take your s show out on someone, somewhere else because funnily enough you're not welcome here either.

Going over to her thread now but had to add this here - I'd deffo be reporting her now she's literally handed over evidence. Thanks KK.
Can we be troll friends 😂🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 absolutely read this with compassion and the distaste tone that I know you wrote this in … a-fing men
May 1, 2023
.....opening a box choc-full of Temu tat and waiting for a train. She's sooooo boring lately, tbh 🥱😴💤🥴🤣

Actually, she had painted nails. With that and Ste's new joke of a t.shirt, I wonder if the train journey was their annual jolly to visit Alfie? (It's an open adoption, according to the greatest mum on earth, where they get one visit a year and photo's sent at special times like Christmas, his birthday, etc.,).....
That must be hard on Alfie’s adopted parents, knowing they have to let that pair of scumbags near the poor baby.
May 3, 2023
.....opening a box choc-full of Temu tat and waiting for a train. She's sooooo boring lately, tbh 🥱😴💤🥴🤣

Actually, she had painted nails. With that and Ste's new joke of a t.shirt, I wonder if the train journey was their annual jolly to visit Alfie? (It's an open adoption, according to the greatest mum on earth, where they get one visit a year and photo's sent at special times like Christmas, his birthday, etc.,).....
I think that "one visit" happened not to long ago. She put up a pic of her and ste with a little boy on a swing. Then swiftly deleted it. But it was recent lou and stes hair. If it was me and I adopted him I'd be following and documenting everything to keep them away from Alfie.


New member
May 16, 2023
Apr 12, 2023

Ivy (Kayleigh) dat you hun?

If it is get over to your own thread!
Apr 12, 2023
.....opening a box choc-full of Temu tat and waiting for a train. She's sooooo boring lately, tbh 🥱😴💤🥴🤣

Actually, she had painted nails. With that and Ste's new joke of a t.shirt, I wonder if the train journey was their annual jolly to visit Alfie? (It's an open adoption, according to the greatest mum on earth, where they get one visit a year and photo's sent at special times like Christmas, his birthday, etc.,).....
I was reading the old posts posted here of Lou, so was the baby originally called max?
May 3, 2023
On another note. No matter what I need/want I always think "do my kids need anything" first. Her kids got 2 things out of that whole box and she has the cheek to talk about giving something away as in her greed to order she double ordered something.
Also saying the price of things when she says she got them for free? 🤷‍♀
Who would remember the price when it was free? Sorry for the rant but by do the greed annoys me.


Apr 16, 2023
Jesus on a bike & Mary in the basket ! I have just caught up on 60 pages of this thread! I feel like I’ve just woken from a sleep induced blunt!! What the do was all that about? Tbh, as soon as I started to read “Ivy’s” comments I thought it smelt of 5 head, pissed up & brave! She’s vile, bitter & nasty enough to use that language. Also I swear that when I used to follow her years back, she was promoting the tattle haters page & both her & KK were behind it. Around the time they were besties & she put up the wish list for their night in. Anyhow, just wanted to stick my two pence worth in, off for a lie down now !!

@Yamfoot You are my actual hero! Your comebacks are 10/10, not sure why they even try & do with you tbh.
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