My Sister's Closet (@mysisterscloset_blog) Anita Louise Ross & Donna Marie Ross


New member
Nov 14, 2023
Any hairdressers to share what happened between these two?!
Donna had taken control of the joint instagram account and has been using it to flaunt how much cash she has and how she's spending it with Neil Sands with the 65'000 followers. But they seem to have gone quiet recently and stopped doing this. Someone on tattle says that Donna was taking legal action to take control of the whole brand.
Neil was running an instagram account to doxx people on tattle and threaten them for talking about the drama that they've all made public. Apparently he got found out and then quickly his anon instagram account to scare off people disappeared quickly. Very shady crafty couple that probably deserve each other. They've all got second accounts where they used to court publicity but then made them private, after already having thousands of followers so not really that private.