

New member
Apr 25, 2024
She's absolutely gross, she used to always like comments from this old pedo persistently commenting on her videos of her children asking her to post videos of her giving her children a shoulder ride 🤢🤢🤢 absolute wrongen she is.
I find it absolutely ironic that since she found out about her thread on TL she decided not to show her kids anymore as she was called out for how filthy / neglected they always look, she's exploited them for years now so the damage is already done!
Also does she ever not have a face like a slapped arse???
The other thing that annoys me is she's literally only having another baby purely for content / exploitation purposes, literally can't stand the woman 🤢🤢🤢
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New member
Apr 25, 2024
Oh and don't get me started on the whole hospital/pneumonia fiasco, what mother in their right mind decides to film themselves in the hospital carpark before getting her daughter checked over in A&E???
She is vile vile vile!!
You could tell she absolutely THRIVED off the attention those hospital/pneumonia videos got, in fact I don't think I've ever seen her that happy.
She also filmed herself in A&E at the beginning of her pregnancy too crying she absolutely loves the attention, she's sick in the head, it's like she desperately wants something to go wrong in this pregnancy because she knows it will gain views, like the most recent one of her getting checked over there was absolutely no need for that "awareness" video, then going silent to worry her followers, you can tell she doesn't get any attention off her husband, mind you I'm not surprised really.