I cry constantly at concerts. I cried at louis tomlinson in November when he sang a song I related to, obvs at the beginning of grieving and wasn't in a great place lol then Niall Horan I was bawling at his concert a few weeks ago lol I just say music's a release and I've always used it as a vent when I'm feeling any type of way. My daughter just expects it now
I'm sorry to hear you are struggling (I'm a psychiatric nurse and have had a past of disordered eating which i still struggle with now) I'm so glad you are getting some help with how you have been and I am sending you all the positive vibes and love on your journey, you got this and on days where it seems a little harder remember tomorrow's another day
whatever you wear you will be beautiful and as long as you are comfortable and can enjoy yourself that's all that matters! I can honestly see my daughter hitting the merch stand and her just wearing that the second night
that's the type of her lol comfort is key! Xx