Becki Jones @beckijones4


Mar 9, 2024
I just can’t with this woman anymore. Her chin alone is enough for me to have to turn her videos off. How can she watch these back and fink yeah I look fin. I look healfy. She can’t shove food in her massive mouth fast enough.
I’ve got to the stage where I can’t stomach her videos, i feel like I’m posting the same thing over and over as her content is just a repetitive cycle of utter greed and binging. It’s quite sad to see someone eating themselves to death without a single f*ck given.
Mar 8, 2024
I’ve got to the stage where I can’t stomach her videos, i feel like I’m posting the same thing over and over as her content is just a repetitive cycle of utter greed and binging. It’s quite sad to see someone eating themselves to death without a single f*ck given.
I can’t watch her anymore. It’s like shopping and eating is her whole personality. She has nothing else in her life. It is very sad to watch her eat herself to heart attack central
Mar 8, 2024
Yeah nothing she does in life is without food being the centre of it. And her driving has made it a million times worse. She genuinely goes in a different supermarket every single day, that’s not normal behaviour.
It not normal at all. The fact she can’t see it’s so odd the way she’s in the shop every day blows my mind. Even home and bargains she buys so much crap to eat


Apr 2, 2024
The way she called that croissant monstrosity a "little treat" as if she doesn't scoff equally abhorrent amounts of sugar and fat multiple times a day.

Noum. She's just a dainty qween treating herself to a naughty little snacky.


Mar 9, 2024
It not normal at all. The fact she can’t see it’s so odd the way she’s in the shop every day blows my mind. Even home and bargains she buys so much crap to eat
We never see the finished trolley or conveyor belt in any shop, I think it’s cos she’s added more rubbish. Where does she get all the money from to do all this shopping on top of takeaways and eating out.
Mar 8, 2024
Don’t think the nephew wants it either… Probably just wants to party and get pissed with his mates instead of Auntie Dreamliner’s trough 🥴
It shows her level of greed to think this is normal. He most probably won’t eat it. And like you say wants to be out getting pissed not gorging on a table full of crap! Auntie Dreamliner has me howling 😂😂😂😂
This does just prove her disgusting habit of over buying crap. She will be eating that in her sty later


Mar 1, 2024
It shows her level of greed to think this is normal. He most probably won’t eat it. And like you say wants to be out getting pissed not gorging on a table full of crap! Auntie Dreamliner has me howling 😂😂😂😂
This does just prove her disgusting habit of over buying crap. She will be eating that in her sty later
💯 She’ll be eating all that under the excuse it’s for her nephew’s birthday… What a joke
Mar 8, 2024
I’d actually bounce her out that back door for making the noise she made after eating the food.
She actually cannot contain her gleed and excitement over the take away. She’s always in a great mood and so happy when she has a take away in front of her. Onions kebab meat and garlic sauce with garlic bread. She must absolutely stink from every single pore she has. 🤢 I don’t know how her family listen to her eat like she does and watch her eat like she does. I’d be so embarrassed eating like this all the time yet here is beck big back eating for fousands of people.