Becki Jones @beckijones4


New member
Mar 6, 2024
I don’t think she deserves the trolling she gets here and on Tattle and on the app. There’s plenty of people doing the same as her and people don’t give two ss, but people just want to hone in on her looks to just be full on bullies. One day it’ll get too much for her and she’ll slit her wrists or something and then after she’s dead people will only say nice things.


Mar 9, 2024
I don’t think she deserves the trolling she gets here and on Tattle and on the app. There’s plenty of people doing the same as her and people don’t give two ss, but people just want to hone in on her looks to just be full on bullies. One day it’ll get too much for her and she’ll slit her wrists or something and then after she’s dead people will only say nice things.

This site and TL are not trolling, I wish people would learn the meaning of the word. If you don’t like what’s written here or over there then why are you here? You do get the point of this site don’t you and that people are entitled to opinions .. even negative ones. And the last point in your post, have a day off love.


Feb 4, 2024
I don’t think she deserves the trolling she gets here and on Tattle and on the app. There’s plenty of people doing the same as her and people don’t give two ss, but people just want to hone in on her looks to just be full on bullies. One day it’ll get too much for her and she’ll slit her wrists or something and then after she’s dead people will only say nice things.
you’ve already posted this before. guilt tripping isn’t going to stop sites like cc and tl,they’ve always been around,in many formats.


Mar 1, 2024
Can’t be bothered with people coming on here to tell us off… Don’t care and don’t want to know fan opinions. Fed up of people acting like content creators can’t be criticised. Same thing on Reddit too, fans coming into the subs outraged and reporting because their favs are getting discussed… Grow the hell up and don’t hang out in that sub or forum if it bothers you instead of policing every corner of the internet. Absolute melts 🙄

What are they mad about anyway? The fact that we call Becki morbidly obese, say she will get very sick if she doesn’t stop and has a weird obsession with her nieces and nephews? Where’s the lies??

Can the fans shut up about her being “nice and kind” already also? Something I’ve written before about this:

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Mar 7, 2024
I met Becki and Cath last year in Asda. I was with my 2 adult daughters and Cath asked if I was on TikTok, I said yes lol. She then said she's not allowed a TikTok account! :oops: 😬 I got the impression it's Becki that won't let her have one :rolleyes: I actually walked up to them and shouted oh look it's Becki Jones 😂😂 She never spoke but I have to say her mum was lovely :giggle:


Mar 1, 2024
I met Becki and Cath last year in Asda. I was with my 2 adult daughters and Cath asked if I was on TikTok, I said yes lol. She then said she's not allowed a TikTok account! :oops: 😬 I got the impression it's Becki that won't let her have one :rolleyes: I actually walked up to them and shouted oh look it's Becki Jones 😂😂 She never spoke but I have to say her mum was lovely :giggle:
Damn… “not allowed a tiktok” 💀🙄 Becki sounds controlling as hell
Mar 8, 2024
Can’t be bothered with people coming on here to tell us off… Don’t care and don’t want to know fan opinions. Fed up of people acting like content creators can’t be criticised. Same thing on Reddit too, fans coming into the subs outraged and reporting because their favs are getting discussed… Grow the hell up and don’t hang out in that sub or forum if it bothers you instead of policing every corner of the internet. Absolute melts 🙄

What are they mad about anyway? The fact that we call Becki morbidly obese, say she will get very sick if she doesn’t stop and has a weird obsession with her nieces and nephews? Where’s the lies??

Can the fans shut up about her being “nice and kind” already also? Something I’ve written before about this:

Fing is.. she acts like she is kind, but you can see she has a nasty streak. It’s all an act. Her fans and all the “creators” fans need to wind their moany necks in. We are all allowed an opinion. I don’t say anything on any of their videos I say it here. So yeah if use don’t like it then don’t read it. She is severely overweight and she does have a nasty side to her. It’s completely obvious how controlling she is.


Mar 1, 2024
Fing is.. she acts like she is kind, but you can see she has a nasty streak. It’s all an act. Her fans and all the “creators” fans need to wind their moany necks in. We are all allowed an opinion. I don’t say anything on any of their videos I say it here. So yeah if use don’t like it then don’t read it. She is severely overweight and she does have a nasty side to her. It’s completely obvious how controlling she is.
Someone’s posted on Reddit about her being nasty to a 14 year old fan…


Mar 1, 2024
Stop?! Seriously?! See she has a nasty streak. It’s obvious. It shows sometimes in her video with her mum in particular
Yeah it’s not even the first time… I’ve seen lots of people now saying she’s not very nice in public when she isn’t in front of a camera… Acts like she thinks she’s a right celebrity in the port as well, the local people think she’s a bleep according to people who live there
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Mar 18, 2024
her being fat wouldn’t be anything I’d have an issue with if she didn’t act how she does - she’s so controlling over food always getting the first portion when she’s serving up dinner, saying she eats a normal amount when you literally cannot be that size eating a normal amount or how she always justifies her takeaways and treats saying it’s ok to treat yourself like of course it is but not to that extent or you will end up severely obese and unhealthy. I just don’t like the whole promoting she has this healthy relationship with food when she really doesn’t. it shouldn’t be encouraged by her followers at all! How is it any different than someone who is severely underweight promoting dangerous diet tips?


Mar 18, 2024
Sorry just wanted to say as well I know certain health issues/medication can add to being overweight etc I know it doesn’t always come down to diet but in her case I meant it does
Mar 8, 2024
Yeah it’s not even the first time… I’ve seen and heard lots of people now saying she’s not very nice in public when she isn’t in front of a camera… Acts like she thinks she’s a right celebrity in the port as well, the local people think she’s a bleep according to people who live there
Oh my god. Who does she think she is. Why anyone goes up to her is beyond me. They fill her famous delusions all the more. it’s so embarrassing