Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
The issue with Charlie is why his devices are checked this would only really happen if he had images of minors or something on his device or even maybe a past of revenge porn but the fact his devices are checked not for the reason he says. Everyone is kinda in limbo with that
Since he said that he has stated he dont get them checked but he could at any time. I'm lost with it. What Charlie should do is put an acro(if that's what's it called) up. It would stop all the speculation about him


Mar 8, 2024
Hi everyone. Sorry i left the live in such a way the other day. I'm not a person that lets things get to me very easily. I'm a hard face b and the s in my life has certainly contributed to that. I'm disappointed in my self tbh but the stuff being discussed really pushed me over. I had a good cry and slept the rest of the day.

Since then my Mam has been admitted to hospital after a heart attack so I'm still feeling fragile. However I need and distraction and ranting in here usually makes me feel better plus the way you all make me howl laughing.

Thankyou to those that have reached out to me. Much appreciated. I hope your all doing ok ❤🤎
It’s completely normal to sometimes get triggered or upset, no matter how hard faced you might be. Hope your mum is ok 🤍