Angie saying she's reporting people, such as Fact Freak, to the police due to a hate train on tiktok. and Pearl went for Fact Freak first? And you were (or are) giving a platform to his ex who he has a history of harassment cases with? And you're the ones showing videos of him, mocking him, but then crying when he hits back?
This next season looks interesting. I would love for Angie to finally face legal repercussions over her online actions. All this "I was just reacting" doesn't wash when you're the one who prods, provokes, humiliates UNTIL you get a reaction just so you can cry victim. Shout "omg a MAN going for a WOMAN", then also saying "I find your DV funny.". Uhm...REALLY?
Angie, you have no right to tell any survivors how they should or should not act. You've never experienced DV, in my opinion based upon slip ups in your language online, so what the do do you know?