Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 8, 2024
Has anyone seen about AR?

post from ‘Famliy member’ yesterday saying he was in and accident now in a coma

40 minutes ago another post saying that he won’t wake up and they are going to go live so everyone can give their condolences. Live will be done through think in his bio ….. his telegram?

Surely you wouldn’t want to go live it doesn’t make not sense to me
I don’t know what to make of all this. He is a massive troll and a wind up. I don’t particularly like him but i hope it is a wind up and not true. A very sick wind up if it is
Apr 10, 2024
Brigham is a loathsome, pitiful, heinous, pile of putrid waste.
He goes predominantly for women who he thinks are vulnerable because he is so desperately unhappy with himself and he has to lash out and cause pain, he constantly white-knights in a predatory way for his own sick gratification because he has deeply rooted issues that prevent him from being able to maintain any form of meaningful or lasting relationship with mutual trust or growth - he can't grow as a person because he's a man-child and his growth is stunted leaving him with the emotional range of a rock.

When he lashes out on his narc tirades it's because he's mad at women, he's mad at all women and specifically the women who go against him and tell him any variation of 'no' because Brigham among being an ableist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, predator is a misogynist as well.

That's also why he'll never go against a man, not really - he might whisper that he 'might' or has before but truly he only goes after women.

Him and Delupoo are well suited, may they live unhappily ever-fing-after, the pair of fs!



Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
I'm gonna say something bad
The Office Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Shine like a star I beg you to say what you have to say to me, not jump in other people’s dms like a little pussy.
I’m not afraid anyone from CC will turn against me, you see the difference between me and you is that I say what the do I say and I stand on my own when I say it. I’m not a fing little sheep like you, so fing desperate for attention that you lick Angies ass and fail miserably at trying to troll anyone who you feel may stand up to that room and the people in it.
I also don’t need to hide my identity, people know who I am and they know who I am as a person on my main platform. And trust me I don’t hold back when I’m on my main account when I think something is morally wrong. Just like I know other CC members are the same on their CC account as they are on their main account.
You are a sad, pathetic, pussyole sheep who is so desperate for even the most minuscule of attention that you would drop your moral compass and sit with grown ass adults who are racist, transphobic, mock DV, liars and fing begs. They are the dregs of society who have people on their platform who are abusers, peadophiles and groomers.
Now get to do u little dickhead and don’t try and come for me until you’re ready to drop your mask and show me who you are.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Taurian joined that live knowing fine well Pearl who's always racist would be raicist, because that was racist saying her and Paige look the same and mispronouncing her name. Now Paige is complaining. Stop going in the live then. Not every single situation on the app needs their involvement and for it to be turned into an other race issue rather than the original problem. Dont care if anyone crys.