Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Yeah I have EDS and multiple conditions that usually come with it. It’s genetic but got diagnosed late 20s. It’s very much something I have to fight to get help for, however, at least it’s a diagnosis that is never questioned (at least for me), I just hate people that aren’t doctors claiming people are making up they have the condition online, which is why I’ve kicked off before 😂. I’m believed now I have the diagnosis, but I can only imagine what it’s like to actually get a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and to still be told by professionals it’s just in your head.

Sadly, the likes of Ruby and so many other things like Drs who enrolled in the University of Google play a big part in that, but even when the `professionals` get it wrong, its bad. I thought I'd got the correct person thank god and my mind wasn't playing tricks on me x


Feb 24, 2024
“I know people don’t like her” ask yourself why Miss Beg, you were once one of those people who wanted her off the platform. She lies, she goads, she spins narratives, she race baits, she mocks SH, she platforms and defends beasts, she questions people’s DV, she threatens to call social services, she insinuates people are pedos. It’ll stop when Angie stops.


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Good morning beautiful fluffy bums
Currently watching miss red, yes Angie does get a lot of hate but she brings it on herself by being a drunken racist bigoted loud mouth who mocks a variety of disabilities, MH, addiction, this list can go on for a while.
So why should the victims of her words be the ones to yield? Surely as a "creator" she should take her own advice, take responsibility and leave the app?
No you don't know anyone's MH, so don't sit there and tell me and others what we should and shouldn't be upset about from your ivory tower 🖕

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Good morning beautiful fluffy bums
Currently watching miss red, yes Angie does get a lot of hate but she brings it on herself by being a drunken racist bigoted loud mouth who mocks a variety of disabilities, MH, addiction, this list can go on for a while.
So why should the victims of her words be the ones to yield? Surely as a "creator" she should take her own advice, take responsibility and leave the app?
No you don't know anyone's MH, so don't sit there and tell me and others what we should and shouldn't be upset about from your ivory tower 🖕
How you feeling? x
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Can someone make a list of all the things angie has done said or lied about ?
She’s accused someone who was a victim of childhood SA if being the abuser. She’s said gay people cause AIDS. She’s gone for multiple peoples trauma. She told a woman that has a brain tumour from DV (the brain injuries turned cancerous) that she’s lying and that can’t happen and really upset the woman. She’s been racist multiple times, as far back as the time she was in a queue and talked about a foreigner and how she should go back to her own country. Or Asians walking their dogs and saying “they eat dogs”. She constantly goes for DV surviving mothers and has said they shouldn’t be allowed their kids. I could go on forever.
Mar 5, 2024
I've had a look through the messages here this morning (I went to bed early) and I have something to say...

do you Angie. Don't start flashing your SH trying to gain sympathy when you have done the most. Maybe if you just do off away from TikTok then you won't have any problems. I have no sympathy for a racist, ableist scumbag like yourself. Let's take a moment here, and I know a lot of people may not agree with me for this but do it, and look at your life in a certain perspective:

Would your late father be proud of your behavior? You say people are disrespecting him by making AI images of broccoli, but I think you've disrespected him the most by saying you shag him. Joke or not, that was vile. Would your father be proud of you for flashing your flaps to thousands of people? Would your father be proud of you doing blackface? Would your father be proud of you weight shaming people? Would your father be proud of you calling people with MH sp*****s? Would your father be proud of you pissing yourself, drying your knickers and then sniffing them? Would your father be proud of you saying your dog has a huge penis?

I will NEVER feel sorry for you. EVER. You are a vile t, and I hope karma hits you in FULL FORCE.

That is all.

Drop The Mic GIF by In Real Life
Could not have said it better. She has clearly been taking tips off Emz.

Angie you are a t, the biggest t.


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Ha, miss red are you seriously sat there saying AR went beyond with his "social experiment" when Angie sat there last night suicide baiting, drunk as hell, covered in blood saying she doesn't care about people's feelings or trigger warnings, saying maybe she'll take her own life in the next few days and certain people will be to blame? Are you actually fing serious?!


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
I've been around for longer than 12 months.
I've seen the exposures on Fact Freak.
I've seen his rebuttals.
I've seen Mable accuse him of certain things.
I've seen Mable become friends with him and retract these claims.
I've seen Tam accuse him of certain things.
I've seen Tam retract these claims.
I've seen Fact Freak support Angie.
I've seen Fact Freak speak out against Angie.
I very much doubt Miss Baguette would've allowed Fact Freak to use her name without permission.
I very much doubt Fact Freak would've used Miss Baguette's name without permission.
I have no doubt Fact Freak enjoys seeing all the boobies he can.
I don't understand your point(s).
Give me/us something to work with, or do off.
Can I just say I also like boobs 😂😂😂