Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Send the dog rip their fing heads off bet that hotel has houses migrants for time these lot are just late to the party. The guy who killed those 3 small children was British born from a respectable working family 🤦🏻‍♀️not even illegal. My little boys class at school has refugees they are his friends he plays with them, forever teach our children to respect every race and religion I'd be ashamed if my child acted in this way
Mar 10, 2024
I know you’re all busy watching the riots. Just wanted to share the live has started about what Peale and Angie said about Scotty

someone just said 'poor me poor me' that was this first comment that ever got me banned from angie's, after she had gone on about people lying about s.assault and needing proof.
'poor me, poor me, pour me another' she led us here with those blocks. silly b
Pop Tv Memories GIF by Schitt's Creek
Mar 10, 2024
Why don’t the government send the army in to these places? Does anybody know? Because that’s what I would do. Mortal combat
i would fence them all in, do the mass salt water flush, provide them water and then wait 4-5 days for them to enter ketosis. they can ruminate on their choices and it'll stop a few hundred type 2 diabetes cases. compassionate punishment
Zombie Math Doesn't Add Up. How many zombies does it take to eat a… | by  David Cohn | Medium
Animated GIF

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Why don’t the government send the army in to these places? Does anybody know? Because that’s what I would do. Mortal combat

I keep thinking the same. The Army are literally there to look after our country , they go to war and combat zones far worse than this. Send them in with weapons, give them all a warning , shoot after the first warnings ignored, they'll soon run home crying like babies

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
I keep thinking the same. The Army are literally there to look after our country , they go to war and combat zones far worse than this. Send them in with weapons, give them all a warning , shoot after the first warnings ignored, they'll soon run home crying like babies
Rubber bullets like they did over in Ireland. They have no problem going to Ireland and doing it so why not protect our country here and now
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
This is why I need to be Home Secretary. I’d have sorted this s right out. High power water hoses blasting the lot of the them and if they are stupid enough to get back in the line of fire, a tank runs them over
"There's 10 minutes to disperse or the flame thrower comes out"

I cant cope with this Bolton one, the Asian side shook the barrier and the racists screamed in terror. Just go home if your actually petrified 😭


Feb 28, 2024
Why don’t the government send the army in to these places? Does anybody know? Because that’s what I would do. Mortal combat
I would understand the army if it was a universal wide event happening at the same time i.e every city at the same time but I think because its only local areas at different times it's harder to maintain and control which is why its kept at police level as its a public officer situation for those specific areas, if it escalated to a point the police couldn't disperse of it through the shields and dogs etc they would but look at Hull and Sunderland etc after a few hours these chavs got bored and fed off