Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Yeah, I hate Alex but I cannot run with that cause someone who’s angry has blurted it out. Why only say it now? I hope he does go to the police because if it’s a lie that’s a disgusting thing to say.
Hopefully he handles the situation better than last night when a DIFFERENT Alex was being discussed in here for a a allegation and he automatically assumed it was him.
Obviously I won't run with that with no proof. But he cannot be friends with people like Kat, sexually harass women, make sick comments about child abuse then be shocked at an allegation.

But just like the Rebecca thing he'll let it fester and not go to the proper authorities.

Noah peel

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
I hate Alex but I can say we th absolutely no doubt in my mind that who’s lying is lying!!
Plm are a lot of things but regardless of the rumours about them cp is not something that they are down for and the people that did involve themselves in that did so AFTER being booted from plm

But on that note… who’s lying… if you know with such certainty he has that on his device…. WHY HAVE YOU DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT


Dec 21, 2023
Im glad I can be the bigger person, not the fatter. Just bigger person. And not accuse Alex of being a pedo and spread it about social media for 6 hours despite the fact he does that to me. So blessed x
I'm very curious as to how this plays out. If it's not true the smart thing to do is to go straight to the police and NOT go live. If he goes live that's suss af.


Dec 21, 2023
Did Alex fire up a live while I was out or is he yet to make a 12hr statement?
Nothing as of yet

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