Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jul 29, 2024
Good job I have dropped my zopliclone there's no need for Mable whatsoever who's she to judge and insinuate sinister intentions, if Paula did google the cancer symptoms that's wrong but fuk me these are far from perfect, and I hate bullies with a passion
I’m just finishing my 🍃then zoppy time so won’t be long before I’m watching through one eye and over typing messages that I never actually finish 😵‍💫😂


Dec 21, 2023
I went in Paula's live she was sobbing wasent nice to listen to ☹️and mazza the audacity the way she sat with flange backing her and her putrid opinions
Paula has me blocked 🤣 id assume because I have been vocal about her s stirring in the past, however I think the likes of Mazza especially can't say s to anyone. She was very much involved with Queenmandy calling the social on Chez, as well as sitting in Angies box enabling her for long enough not to mention the tyrade of harassment herself and Mandy done to Elphaba at their big grown age. They did this to badgyalsqueaks too pushing her to tears even tho they knew long ago she was in that discord before they decided to be outraged, Mazza sat with Julie for weeks in Angies box when they were all friends . Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. I'm sure she will read this out.
Jul 29, 2024
Wait, you dislike all Pakistani men? You realise the majority of crimes carried out against women, are by white men - right? So using your logic, you hate all white people, correct? Or am I just pointing out your flawed logic and unnecessary racism, using someone else’s trauma - as an excuse to dislike brown people? I’m thinking the later.

By the way, your closeness to blackness (i.e your Grandad), does in no way, exclude you from racism.
Apr 7, 2024
Paula has me blocked 🤣 id assume because I have been vocal about her s stirring in the past, however I think the likes of Mazza especially can't say s to anyone. She was very much involved with Queenmandy calling the social on Chez, as well as sitting in Angies box enabling her for long enough not to mention the tyrade of harassment herself and Mandy done to Elphaba at their big grown age. They did this to badgyalsqueaks too pushing her to tears even tho they knew long ago she was in that discord before they decided to be outraged, Mazza sat with Julie for weeks in Angies box when they were all friends . Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. I'm sure she will read this out.
I don't really watch any of them unless there's beef 😂😂
Jul 29, 2024
Who is gonna tell Linda her Dad probably had another woman 😫edit Ah I think Linda is taking the piss isn't she, zopliclone is kicking in 🫣
It’s time…….
Cats Omg GIF by Furrend
Cats Omg GIF by Furrend