Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

What that t thought he would do is beyond me. Waddle out of his caravan and talk about how attractive the attackers are whilst getting "a wet patch"? 🤢🤣
Share clothes with her I need to see if I still have the picture of him dressed in drag 😭. The wet patch comment though 🤢🤮. He's one perverted t
I was in her clapper only one of them out of curiosity which will never ever happen again and Charlie offered to suck a banana 🍌 for cash 🤢
GIF by JoyPixels
May 16, 2024
I’m just back from father in laws for my Friday night dinner with him. What’s happening
Whats Going On What GIF by NEON
Charlie did an "Angela, this is your life" with about 20 minutes worth of stolen clips and a few thinly veiled snarky remarks. Then legged it.

Nothing else much has happened. Waiting to see if she kicks off tonight. If people do ignore her in terms of giving her drama, then I imagine she'll pull out some circus tricks or do off to bed early. 🤣