Dear Tiktoktwats,
I am not sure if you are aware, but viewing this forum is not mandatory. It is not a clause in the terms & conditions you agreed to when you signed up to tiktok. Being a member of this forum also does not constitute guilt of illegal activities. Please practice autonomy. Please practice freedom of choice. Please practice keeping your hands away from the fing fire if you don't want to get burnt. It's elementary school level of comprehension.
We are just as entitled to our opinions as you are, and we are just as entitled to voice those opinions on this forum in lieu of tiktok if we choose.
Perhaps, as it has become quite evident, it would be prudent for you to stop viewing a forum that does not cater to your personal beliefs, opinions, experiences, humour and stick-up-the-arseinus that you seem to be so very, very deeply afflicted with.
This is my final official address to you. Please take control and ownership of your own internet usage. We will continue to gossip, critique and mock anything and everything you willingly choose to put out on a public platform, because we can.
Politely go do yourselves with a rusty chainsaw, sideways.
I am not sure if you are aware, but viewing this forum is not mandatory. It is not a clause in the terms & conditions you agreed to when you signed up to tiktok. Being a member of this forum also does not constitute guilt of illegal activities. Please practice autonomy. Please practice freedom of choice. Please practice keeping your hands away from the fing fire if you don't want to get burnt. It's elementary school level of comprehension.
We are just as entitled to our opinions as you are, and we are just as entitled to voice those opinions on this forum in lieu of tiktok if we choose.
Perhaps, as it has become quite evident, it would be prudent for you to stop viewing a forum that does not cater to your personal beliefs, opinions, experiences, humour and stick-up-the-arseinus that you seem to be so very, very deeply afflicted with.
This is my final official address to you. Please take control and ownership of your own internet usage. We will continue to gossip, critique and mock anything and everything you willingly choose to put out on a public platform, because we can.
Politely go do yourselves with a rusty chainsaw, sideways.