Yes duloxetine and venlafaxine are both from the same family they are SNRI (contains norepinephrine which is the hormone responsible for fight or flight) whereas most other antidepressants are SSRI.Thanks, it's starting to worry me now, as I have not heard great stories about it. Is duloxetine from the same family as venlafaxine?
I have been taking venlafaxine for a few years now, I’m on 225mg and haven’t had any issues, apart from sweating . I do remember not being keen when I first started taking them as they made me feel quite shaky and edgy but that did settle. How long have you been taking them ? Like others have said if you’re struggling with the side effects don’t be afraid to speak to your GP. I’ve no plans to stop taking mine yet but I have gone a few days without in the past, due to not getting my script in time and felt bloody awful.