Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 15, 2024
The same scouse slayer whos cried multiple times about stuff said on the internet 1000009779.jpg
🤦🏻‍♀️ does she not realise that people with learning disabilities were called simple and that’s how simpleton came around. I commented in her live yesterday saying if someone she didn’t like had said it she’d be kicking off. And someone else commented saying the internet wasn’t for people who find it offensive. You might not find it offensive but people with disabilities might. That’s like saying the equivalent to plastic, it doesn’t affect me but it does affect people with disabilities so I don’t say it. Sort it out SS


Dec 21, 2023
Day 7 without a shower and she's having wine at 9am.
Life goals.

Super Troopers Smh GIF by Searchlight Pictures
Mar 15, 2024
"if I don't know the story, I don't know the story"

The internet allows you to research s you don't know about. It doesn't make you an expert in that topic, but you can glean a fundamental understanding very quickly. I'd advise one of Angela's inner-suppositories teaching her how to use the internet for educational purposes rather than purely toxic bullying rage baiting bullshit purposes.
If she goes on ITVX she’ll find the hillsborough programme that Ricky Tomlinson is was in. It’s a sad watch. She’ll also find Anne on there about one of the mother’s who fought for justice for the 96. Also on YouTube she’ll probably find interviews with Andy burnham fighting for the case to be reopened. It’s not hard to research Angela
May 16, 2024
Drinking at 9am and more often, her binge drinking is turning into something a lot more serious
She's had a TrAUmAtIC day. She was at the HOSPITAL until 1AM! Her PPPD is acting up! Her oodie has FUSED TO HER SKIN! Her hair has looked AWFUL for the last 3 years! SHE'S A WOMAN WITH NOTHING TO LOSE, SHE NEEDS TO PROTECT HER MUVVVVVVAAH, SHE NEEDS TO PROTECT HER CAT THAT IS HER CAT BUT BELONGS TO HER MUVVVVVVAAH! She doesn't even LIKE the taste of alcohol, which apparently means she's not an alcoholic she's just a person who likes to forcibly drink a substance she cannot palate until she pukes on her floor and passes out. YOU DIDN'T EVEN DONATE TO THE DOG MEAT MARKET WHEN SHE WAS FUNDRAISING, and if it doesn't go via Angela then it doesn't count.