Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Dec 3, 2024
Bermuda Triangle

What process do you have to go through to be recognised as trans in daily life?​

In most cases, you don’t need to go through any legal or formal process. Transition can be any steps you take to express you’re a change in your gender, such as changing your name, pronouns or the way you dress. The Equality Act 2010 protects anyone proposing to undergo, is undergoing, or has undergone a process of ‘reassigning their sex’ from discrimination based on ‘gender reassignment’. You do not have to have taken any medical steps in your transition in order to be protected by this legislation. You can use the bathroom that fits your gender, expect your employers to recognise your gender, and access gender-specific public services.

Dec 3, 2024
Bermuda Triangle

What does it mean to transition?​

Gender transition is the process through which a transgender or non-binary person takes steps to live authentically in their true gender identity. It is a personal process that looks different for every transgender and non-binary person, and individual paths do not always follow the same order. Some people take medication, and some do not; some adults have surgeries, and others do not. For some people, it can include steps as simple as changing clothes, names and hairstyles to fit their gender identity. Regardless of the age at which a person transitions, how they do so is their choice to be made with their family and doctors.

AND it's fing scary. not wanting to put yourself under such SEVERE medical surgery doesn't invalidate someone's identity.
Absolutely I have a friend who has now fully transitioned from male to female and they went through years of fear, torment and anxiety along with many other things. Everyone should respect how someone chooses to identify surgery or not although I do think cats/dogs and toasters are a stretch too far.

The Narrative

May 19, 2024
No malice to the woman but she's sat with delusive Angie yet she sat crying in boxes about her 🤦🏻‍♀️ sounds like she's been blocked from cam 2s lot so moved to this lot now.
She does this alot and loses friends because of it. Many like her and im not sure why. That's up to them but for me the hopping around is suss. She always writes in the comments lets start a drama then cries when she's the drama. Pisses me off but like i say im kind but wont ever take to her.