In belittling you she’s also belittling her friends who still comment here now and again and who started out posting on this forum.Oh and whilst I'm here
Unicorn aka Peggy sue you belittled me this morning because I'm part of an online forum about delulu. You seem to forget you tried your hardest to be accepted in here and you were very involved in this thread when it suited you.
Unlike you I do not sit in lives finding things to be triggered about, I write on here and then go on with my day. I enjoy the people in here and prefer it over sitting in a box all day. You spend much more time on tiktok than I do in here so do up you little hypocritical t.
You sat with Prickster after he dressed up as Hitler of all people and now you're besties with Alex after holding exposures on him last year. Make up your damn mind.