Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Big Gob

Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
All you new bastards have made it hard for me to catch up on last night 😭 my sleep is so messed up I went from 4.5 hours sleep the night before to 12+ hours sleep last night. Can’t even catch up cause we used to have 50 pages max for a day or maybe evening, and we used to just have 10 comments per page not 20 like it is no. All I wanna know is, do we know who cockerpoo is? Did Angie have the emergency services out or say something horrendous? And is our Cal ok?

Oh, and have we outed any of our own as a weirdo? Cause that’s when I’m most excited 😂
I’m not even gonna try and catch up 🙄
Feb 29, 2024
Convo I had not long ago with Cockerpoo in Baguette’s comments. It’s stitched in chronological order. I genuinely think she got in too deep and is floundering.

I Don’t really care what cockerpoos name is or what she looks like! she just needs to stop being a t to people and acting like she’s some sort of saint and voice of reason! She has also accused people of things in here that aren’t true, people hate it when they get a taste of their own medicine. She also needs to think about her actions online because she could end up loosing her job if people ever do find her! ( just to clarify I never went looking for any of this info, because I don’t like when childrens trauma is brought up on this app and I didn’t really want to be involved other that having my opinion here! I still think cockerpoo handled it so badly for someone who’s supposed to be intelligent.)


Dec 21, 2023
I hate that she’s now a victim 🙄 her behaviour toward this Lisa has been disgusting and now she’s revelling. Regardless of what’s going on with her this Lisa either genuinely believes it or isn’t all there.. either way it’s not good
I believe its her I just don't care enough to force my opinion on anyone 🤣 I have a feeling more will come out. Either way she's a weirdo feeding off the attention and now apparently loves CC so I'm off to vomit in my mouth.


Apr 29, 2024
No one even gave heat to miss baguette from what i saw? Everyone's been very respectful... people were establishing "agree to disagree" 😵‍💫. Just because we don't tolerate lies doesn't mean cockerpoo changes as a person and our opinions change 😆
I don’t think that group is capable of understanding how to have actual adult conversations and being able to disagree with one another without it being classed as ‘beef’. They just aimlessly back eachother up like lost dogs and never call eachother out

Edited to say no one here needed called out, I just meant within that group

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Need an eye roll react. I’m going to search YouTube for meditation tutorials so I don’t say what I wanna say 💀
I have stayed out of it but what makes her think Miss B will get se from us, sorry but we are not the EDL group, we look at it from all sides pick it to pieces etc that is what is called finding the bullshite from the good and expressing our opinions in which not everyone will agree with.
But we say it and move on that is called been an adult
So what she said is the divide and conquer again

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
Yes apparently she likes us now... personally I think its the usual divide and conquer tactic she uses.
Unfortunately the feeling is not mutual. Before I even joined here she used to irritate me. Always in boxes, always giving opinions wanted or unwanted, spoke over people or spoke down to them, can’t possibly allow someone to have a different opinion to her, everyone would have to be on her page and that was it

Big Gob

Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
I completely forgot, did you ask me dear 😮 Can you let me know the specifics please 🙏🏼

Eye colour
Hair colour/length (curly/straight etc)
Race (or light/tan etc)
Animal (pick whether you’re a chosen animal or human with said animal)
Fav hobby (if not based on your username)
Name on laptop (not too long)
Blue eyes,
blonde shoulder length bob
Tiktok big gob
thank you xxx
Apr 26, 2024
Rent Free In Your Head
Sat in the car flicking through lives before I go into work , the first 3 lives I come across - Chester , Fiesty and nocontactcoach - no wonder tiktoks fed
The Goonies Chuck GIF
Chester … Chester I thought the nobhead got on the bus with Beggy