Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 26, 2024
Rent Free In Your Head
I had abit of an embarrassing moment this morning!
Yesterday me and the old bastard went for a bike ride. So, as we haven’t ridden the bikes in over a year, I woke up to my arse being sore this morning 😩.
I thought I would let my husband know, but to his horror, I had sent “my bum cheeks are sore lol 😜” to the family chat on WhatsApp at 7am this morning. Haha
Ive never known the old bastard to ring me so quick. The MIL was amused though. 😂😂😂
What’s your embarrassing moments 🤨
Apr 10, 2024
@Admin We are crying out for a Wiki section for this thread. We have so many side characters and unbelievable storylines it would be great to be able to do a summary. Pretty Please!!

And of course the weekly plea for more reaction emojies! I will write this in the Admin Request Thread if anyone wants to bump it in a mo
Imagine all the nicknames for all the side characters as well 😳 we need a way to keep track of nicknames. I think I came up with ten at least just for sslacks and I've only just started on Maggotham