Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 28, 2024
It’s not been a discussion though has it. It’s been you having a fannyfit since Friday.
I’m sorry you’re baffled but that’s my take on it, literally as your take on Zac, an opinion based on what you’ve seen. Your opinion doesn’t outweigh mine. No matter how many times you stamp your feet or needle a person are they going to understand your personal moral take on things.
Oh absolutely, people can be a lot harsher with words. Not usually at each other though. For the begs and bastards on the app. Not every other message for days focusing on the one person. Oh except for Eugene who you literally called brain dead.

I’m not sure how to respond as I don’t wanna have an argument or derail the thread further than I have, as I recall it was It was one evening - I believe last night or maybe Friday? As I recall sat outside on my phone for a bit I can only take specific snippets of breaks at the mo.and remember having a discussion of maybe 5 comments back and forward. I’ve been slammed at work it’s 7 days a week my phone time says 40 mins a day it’s usually hours so I’m just saying that I’ve not been on here since Friday continuously having a go at doubtfire .. And am not a person that “stamps feet” I can’t think of another phrase but I don’t think about anything further than the moment I comment it, and I’m not hoping to make anyone dislike anyone or “have my way” (which is what I assume stamp feet usually means)

When I say baffled I think I mean taken aback it wasn’t meant to be rude - I dont think my words are coming across in the way intended… I’m saying I really don’t understand cos I genuinely don’t as I feel like my words have been read not as in my head I meant them..:
not to be facetious or undermine you - I’m not saying “you’re wrong” I’m just responding.

Like I said I didn’t realise I came across as different to what I think of as similar language. As I saw it I was having a fairs fair debate about financial grooming and an awful beg and how awful it is… I don’t have any friends here or people I really message, so I don’t know if I see things as totally different to the general consensus

Doubtfire and I disagree and you and I disagree - I never said your opinion isn’t valud
Apr 10, 2024
Sausage that's definitely you, you're technically challenge. I could spot you a mile away head butting your phone.
sausage GIF

(It's headbutting the comment, look 😂😂)
Feb 28, 2024
It’s been going on for fing days. Yeah actually I’m not sorry you’re baffled, because you’re not and please don’t pull the I’m only having a discussion s. It’s not been a discussion, it’s been you, on one.
I’m not trying to pull anything or do anything. I don’t know what you’d like me to say or do. I am confused because I clearly don’t have self awareness as to how what I considered was fair comments was actually really bad comments. So for that reason I’m confused / taken aback / surprised / baffled. I don’t know how to explain it in a non argumentative way