Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 2, 2024
Some of them have a jumped up sense of importance on here šŸ¤£ Shove those on ignore, itā€™s satisfying to the soul to know they are all riled up and I donā€™t even see their rants ā¤ļø

Oh no one gives a do about you you total jeb end. Youā€™re another stuck up thick t who thought they could talk to people like s and weā€™d take it

Little princess prick sym


May 21, 2024
The other day Canadian Angie was speculating IF she had ADHD, right now sheā€™s claiming she has a diagnosis and crypto has ā€œset it offā€, as someone who lives daily with severe ADHD (diagnosed) Iā€™m disgusted at the ignorance and the weaponising of something you clearly barely know anything about

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Wtaf anyone watching how affected Can Angie is about a few bots. She has adhd and its affected her mh!! Absolute bs. The s she is talking right now is awful. All because of a few bots. She always telling her box friends to SHUT UP and they let her. Wtf!

She is so affected because someone is telling her that it was wrong saying crypto using his mommy's credit card because he grew up in the care system. She doesn't give a do its not her problem. Every second word is do because of a few bots!!!


May 21, 2024
Wtaf anyone watching how affected Can Angie is about a few bots. She has adhd and its affected her mh!! Absolute bs. The s she is talking right now is awful. All because of a few bots. She always telling her box friends to SHUT UP and they let her. Wtf!

She is so affected because someone is telling her that it was wrong saying crypto using his mommy's credit card because he grew up in the care system. She doesn't give a do its not her problem. Every second word is do because of a few bots!!!
She doesnā€™t have a diagnosis of ADHD, it was just a few days ago she was speculating whether she had it, I highly doubt sheā€™s managed to get a diagnosis within a few days, she has no idea what some of us live with day in day out


May 21, 2024
Wtaf anyone watching how affected Can Angie is about a few bots. She has adhd and its affected her mh!! Absolute bs. The s she is talking right now is awful. All because of a few bots. She always telling her box friends to SHUT UP and they let her. Wtf!

She is so affected because someone is telling her that it was wrong saying crypto using his mommy's credit card because he grew up in the care system. She doesn't give a do its not her problem. Every second word is do because of a few bots!!!
Her subs are ridiculous too! Have you seen the comments