Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 7, 2024
i’m thinking maybe he hasn’t seen it yet. I’m hoping that anyway because he was well pissed off with DG (rightly so) i’m sure he said he had a relative with additional needs so it really pissed him off
I think he has seen it, he’s been sat laughing saying FYP shows gonna be all about EQ tomorrow. His double standards are shocking.
Nov 10, 2023
why are some of you up EQs hoop in her chat?? am i missing something or do “some” of yous just pick and chose who you call out and who you support? we all know pearl angie and topgirl have said bad s and are a bunch of fs but every fa deflecting what eq has just said 🤦🏻‍♀️boiling my piss! is every fa sniffing pritt stick or something

Who me?

I was on another account but I specifically said all people making ableist slurs and also pointed out the pearl videos on my profile too.

Ffs can we stop doing cryptic call outs. If you have a problem just say it or don’t!