Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

It was cos it was 2 accounts not 1, and it’s been done before. I didn’t give it a huge amount of thought like I wasn’t upset, just curious. And I just wanna make it clear I really didn’t mean doxing I meant accounts.
There’s something seriously off about you. (CC, all take cover right now cause idgaf ran my rage knows no bounds)
You seem a lot like that Bonnie that faked needing a kidney transplant…. You’re not her but something in your head makes you lie and need to be centre of attention). Someone once had a tiny argument with you on here and you brought it up non stop for weeeeeks. You’re in the other thread bringing up how you’re an enemy, forced to leave, non stop. You make weird claims like you run cockerpoos voice through a voice analyser on your works computer. There’s so much s you come out with that is quite blatantly lies for no reason. And then you start fights, demand a response and then when they kindly respond to you, you scream “gaslighting” and you then make digs at that person all the time.

Your character is there to see, if you have your eyes open. And bullshit you have 2 friends with EDS 😂 I’m still yet to meet another person with it myself as it’s quite a rare disorder. You’re a Tommy bullshitter.

conan obrien GIF by Team Coco
Feb 29, 2024
As someone who's battled agoraphobia most of my adult life she's CLUELESS! she doesn't want to go out...there's a big difference between that and physically not being able too. Mine got so bad afew years ago I couldn't even open my curtains.
She's a fool
She hasn't even got a clue about agoraphobia 😡 even the thought of going out I get sweaty. She's addited to TT that's why she don't go out. She's a fing wanker


Woah - what. I would never dox you?

And I didn’t mean find their ip address and who they are in real life? I meant if the accounts were connected to another account or to themselves? I never mentioned doxing at all.

I’m not really sure why you’ve said all that in a public forum… but I would never dox anyone even my worst enemy.
Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you.
I've put it all here because I blocked you weeks ago, so if I was that sick or twisted to dox you I would have done it ages ago when you tried to fed me off, after I went out my way to help you. I have my eyes on you so take that any way you wish to take it. You know exactly what you're doing you ain't fing thick!!! Stop playing the victim chonky you forget I've known you for a long time. Mark my words if I'm doxed I will be coming for you and I'll sink your ship before you can even jump overboard.
Have a marvelous day!
Feb 28, 2024
There’s something seriously off about you. (CC, all take cover right now cause idgaf ran my rage knows no bounds)
You seem a lot like that Bonnie that faked needing a kidney transplant…. You’re not her but something in your head makes you lie and need to be centre of attention). Someone once had a tiny argument with you on here and you brought it up non stop for weeeeeks. You’re in the other thread bringing up how you’re an enemy, forced to leave, non stop. You make weird claims like you run cockerpoos voice through a voice analyser on your works computer. There’s so much s you come out with that is quite blatantly lies for no reason. And then you start fights, demand a response and then when they kindly respond to you, you scream “gaslighting” and you then make digs at that person all the time.

Your character is there to see, if you have your eyes open. And bullshit you have 2 friends with EDS 😂 I’m still yet to meet another person with it myself as it’s quite a rare disorder. You’re a Tommy bullshitter.

conan obrien GIF by Team Coco
None of that is a lie. I actually don’t lie really. One of my friends is a close friend like one of my best friends and one is a friend I only see as bigger events. I don’t know why I’m explaining that. They’re both female. My aunt is a doctor and said that it’s more common in women, and there are rare forms but some are rarer than is realised.
I work in video / audio which the person that knows me could actually confirm. Maybe it was a weird thing to do, but not a lie.
People messaged me saying it was gaslighting and then I thought yeah it is. That’s also not a lie

I also have a really different perception of the argument / disagreement with Medusa but I don’t want to talk about private life on a public forum.i haven’t even replied using their gender.

would never in a million years dox them, or even my worst enemy. It’s immoral and illegal and a vile thing to do to someone.

I’m not going to say sorry to you or anyone here as what I think and say is what I think is right by my perception.

I’m 100% gonna stop posting here as I genuinely don’t wanna upset anyone and I’m not a t but what you said isn’t true. I don’t like how people pile on others here. I said what I said to doubtfire with no other involvement, and some see it as bullying but some don’t. And some people actually messaged me this week on tiktok that post here telling me they thought some behaviour is out of line. So it goes both ways, there’s no right and wrong
Feb 28, 2024
Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you.
I've put it all here because I blocked you weeks ago, so if I was that sick or twisted to dox you I would have done it ages ago when you tried to fed me off, after I went out my way to help you. I have my eyes on you so take that any way you wish to take it. You know exactly what you're doing you ain't fing thick!!! Stop playing the victim chonky you forget I've known you for a long time. Mark my words if I'm doxed I will be coming for you and I'll sink your ship before you can even jump overboard.
Have a marvelous day!
I said in my reply I would never dox you. I really don’t know why you brought this to a public platform, and I have a massively different opinion om the chain of events. But you’ve made it pretty certain that I can’t really use this platform anymore which I would never have done to you or anyone.

And just to confirm to anyone reading and to you I would NEVER EVER dox anyone in any way.


Apr 15, 2024
St Mary Mead
Dread asking for peace and stop the toxic s while Tam feels sorry for herself in the comments wanting to leave the app again. Get a fing grip, grown ass women complaining about the very same thing you do everyday. fing melts.
Do U not think she seems like she's on the drink? Watery eyes, the way she's talking and just her whole demeanour


I said in my reply I would never dox you. I really don’t know why you brought this to a public platform, and I have a massively different opinion om the chain of events. But you’ve made it pretty certain that I can’t really use this platform anymore which I would never have done to you or anyone.

And just to confirm to anyone reading and to you I would NEVER EVER dox anyone in any way.
Fire away.. give your version of events because I will happily post what I said to you out of concern (As a friend does) and I'll post your reply which was totally uncalled for considering I was in fact trying to protect you. I've nothing to hide, I don't lie, what you see is what you get and you of all people should know that.
I'll wait for you to give your take on events, Chonky.

Edit - not once have I or anyone else told you that you can't use this thread or any other thread. So stop trying to make out people are preventing you from using a public thread, because that's not the case, Chonky.
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