Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
Thank you for respecting us enough to ask, I just wonder will you also be talking about Reddit, Tattle etc? Where there is a FAR bigger community than here?

CC isn’t just one thread, there are hundreds of members, talking on lots of topics, yet everyone focuses on this thread and those that talk here. I’d like to see at least some balance.

We get hailed when the wrong uns are called out here first, then dragged if it doesn’t suit a creators narrative.

Ultimately you can discuss what you want, I just would like to understand a little more about why? Will you be targeting and discussing individual members? As I really wouldn’t be down with that. We are individuals here, but we all respect and support each other.

I hope some of the CC members that join boxes come to speak with you! Please, please though don’t bring the likes of Angie, Pearl & Tam into boxes as no conversation is ever productive with them in it.
Also Angie often gets her info from here and then says it's her own


Feb 28, 2024
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
Hello comment cafe

I am Mary Motormouth on tiktok, I do a show called loose lips box talks where I do topics surrounding tiktok, I know comment cafe is a topic alot of creators and users bring up on the app and I wanted to cover it in my box talks.

I was hoping to do it on Mondays show and was wondering how you guys would feel about it? Obviously I do not use comment cafe alot (this is my first post) I would love to have people from here be able to come up and let us know why you use this forum? Is it a great community you have? Does it upset you the reputation comment cafe can get on tiktok?

Please let me know if you think this is a topic that should be discussed as you guys are the users and if you would like to come up and chat

Any feedback is welcome

Thank you
I think maybe it's a good opportunity to educate tiktok on CC.
There's been alot of miss information about this, we aren't a collective, we are individuals with opinions, sometimes our opinions match sometimes they don't.
There'd no powers in here, we can ignore people or report but we cannot remove people as it's a PUBLIC FORUM.
"We aren't all bad" is heard on tiktok...but none if us are bad! We just have different ways of expressing ourselves.
We like or dislike different people...and that's okay, I think we agree on alot of things such as racism etc.
Alot of us like to discuss things in here because we get muted/blocked everywhere.
We aren't PLM as some creators have stated..anyone dodgy is usually ignored/trolled until they remove themselves.
I don't really do box's but id be in the chat x