Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Jun 29, 2024
Trapped in a K hole since the 80's
Canadian Angie's obsession with CC is unreal. Also her friends list is slowly getting shorter and shorter. And her veiws are not there, she is so pissed, which explains why shes trying to add people from CC. She likes to go on live and pretend nothings bothers her, furthest thing from the truth. Can't wait to see how the s show unfolds.

negan GIF
Jun 8, 2024
Canadian Angie's obsession with CC is unreal. Also her friends list is slowly getting shorter and shorter. And her veiws are not there, she is so pissed, which explains why shes trying to add people from CC. She likes to go on live and pretend nothings bothers her, furthest thing from the truth. Can't wait to see how the s show unfolds.

negan GIF
is she live? think she’s got both my accounts blocked. I didn’t even open my cake hole on my CC acccount before she blocked me

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Personally I don't think he should even be in the comments given his history of writing 'dark humour' (not at all 'dark humour') 'Dad jokes' that are racist/homophobic/ableist but I agree he definitely doesn't have the voice for lives. When he tries to be funny his 'jokes' fall flat, when he tries to be 'relateable' the only people that can relate are racists and when he tries to fake having any type of morals it's easy to see through the facade.

For example he supposedly doesn't condone DV which he said after saying he agreed with EQ's comments in regard to HC however Delupoo made similar comments in regard to an ex she stalked who got a new partner that DV abused him and Delupoo said she would 'shake the hand' of that woman, that is the type of person mushroom regularly 'bigs up'.
Ideally Alex and people like him should not be on social media. Unfortunately noone will take that away from them. So if he has to be on tt then the comments is the only place he should be.

It blows my mind how Alex and people like him do not see what they are, what they do wrong, why they are constantly called out for their s. HOW are they actually that deluded, HOW do they lack ALL self awareness!! Do they actually believe what they are saying?

He IS vile
He IS disgusting
He IS a wrongun
He IS a predator
He IS a major t