Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


She's a liar. She told people her meds are locked away from her and a carer gives them to her. I wish she would take the lot she's mad and from what I've seen has hurt many innocent people and frankly the world doesn't need nutters like her in it! Dangerous cow!
Woah man, thats a bit much. I can't stand the girl or what she's done, but saying 'you wish she'd take all her meds' isn't fing cool.
She needs off the app and probably sectioned but what you've said is fed up man, com'on we are better than that.

Edit - in fact you've pissed me off, you clearly have never suffered from any form of mental health issues, which answers why you're so judgmental and a insensitive t, and it's people like you that stop people from reaching out for help. so, do you!

Thank do for the ignore button.
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Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
What fing moron pays £25 for one drink? That's not a flex Alfie, you're just bad with money
That lad turns my stomach more than Alex Brigham does.
He reminds me of one of them smarmy men in a club who thinks every woman wants him, the type who sends drinks over to random girls while he is sat in his vip booth with his hair gelled back within an inch of being scalped and his face all shiny with sweat.
Right well I’ve just made myself fing sick writing that 🤢🤮


Well look what the fing cat dragged in...
shower rat GIF