My best friends son plays with her eldest, it’s usually the dad at the football who seems ok (Childs dad
) keeps himself to himself, doesn’t come across as the cocky person on TT. Anyway whenever I’ve been there to watch, when she’s there it’s watching her son behind a screen … and watching it unfold on TT is just a different scenario to what happened right there in life. It’s sad… and overall just downright false. I’ve met her dad numerous times as I used to be friendly with Sophie and he’s lovely and lives his own life with his girlfriend who hasn’t had a nice word to say about Holly. This girl will not last on TT people will see her for who she really is…. Remember Damien Holly … your best friends man you slept with while he was taking custody of your friends daughter. I will never forget that all over Facebook… the amount of drama this girl has caused is sad… when I say what you see on TT is bullshit… is absolute bullshit. The wannnabe guru and quotes is just to gain a few pounds from the clowns that acknowledge her