James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 8, 2024
If he'd had a breakdown that led him to injure himself so severely he needed airlifting to hospital then he'd be remaining in hospital on a section never mind for his injuries. He makes me sick. I'm sure the fact hundreds of people have been worried about him will massively inflate his ego and we should expect the next chapter of more 'surgery and complications'.

My heart actually breaks for people who have genuinely gone through this. His day will have to come soon surely


Jun 6, 2024
I just put a comnent under his last post. I feel like such an idiot for believing him at first. What a sad individual. He needs psychological help
Please don't feel like a idiot. Unless you have some medical knowledge, or have been through what he states he has with someone or have health issues yourself he can convince people easily. The people that have picked up on things may have had experience in the things that he has stated, the difference is that you are aware now we just need the rest of his watchers to be aware of what he is like and to stop him from causing anymore hurt and upset to people.


Jun 15, 2024
Please don't feel like a idiot. Unless you have some medical knowledge, or have been through what he states he has with someone or have health issues yourself he can convince people easily. The people that have picked up on things may have had experience in the things that he has stated, the difference is that you are aware now we just need the rest of his watchers to be aware of what he is like and to stop him from causing anymore hurt and upset to people.
Yes true. Thankfully I have not had any experience with these medical conditions. And thankfully I stumbled across this site. Stupidly I donated on his gfm 😡


Jun 4, 2024
I can confirm he’s gone away today on holiday too. No idea where I only saw him check in but I got the horror of seeing him at my place of work. Sadly I couldn’t speak to him as I was in uniform but i wish I’d had words. He’s a lying scumbag.
Did you see him last Saturday in the airport? He’s denying he’s went abroad on a new post on tiktok


Jun 15, 2024
Hi. I hope it’s OK to jump in and comment.

I have seen James pop up on TikTok a lot recently so I searched his name and this page came up.

None of it really adds up. He looks incredibly well for somebody so ill and in and out of surgery/comas. I started to question him when he had multiple emergency surgeries within a matter of days which also came with the news his cancer had spread. I was curious how he got to this point as he seemed OK while on TikTok live but he is very illusive and doesn’t give much information.

I have noticed he uses the same photos over and over too and when his friend was giving updates it was laid out in the same style as he writes his own updates.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
For somebody in such a bad way in hospital he is managing to make a lot of posts isn’t he. Why doesn’t he post proof? Show us your medical notes or something proving you have lung and bowel cancer stage 4? Also he has gone quiet about his chemo, because he isn’t having any. You can ring the hospitals asking if they are admitted and I will. Where is the press article about all the services needed last week to save a suicide attempt? All his conditions will be on his discharge notes that we never see. His friend confirmed he has no stoma or new scars and has photos to prove. He is defending himself too much which just shows how guilty he is. And again lying about his gfm, it was taken down. I will prove the evidence from his friend, just won’t screenshot on here because he is reading it, but I will pm them to anyone. It will be posted soon though with names, dates and evidence.

James, we know you are reading this for a fact. Get some help. TT are going to do a deep dive on you and god help you then. Have you seen the kind of things they find out? You are a sick individual, a compulsive liar and attention seeker. You are supposed to be a grown man. Well grow up and stop being a complete sap craving attention. You look pathetic.. You are a wrongun, a conman and have been doing this for years. If your mh is bad its because you are struggling to keep up with the lies that roll out of your mouth. Prove us wrong? You can’t. It is actually you that is the troll, not us. I will gladly give you my full name, ask me anytime. Also, do you realise how thick you sound with your threats of ‘I have your ip address and so do police yeah’ blah blah blah. You don’t. Fact. You wouldn’t know where to start with that. You clearly have a lack of understanding of ip addresses and roaming ones. 😂 but ok, you managed to get all these ip addresses while you are lying so ill in hospital with a mobile phone in your hand 😂😂 but we are the keyboard warrior trolls? A troll is someone who lies. You decide.

Best thing you can do is delete your account and take a very long break. I know I would on e Tony, FF and co start to deep dive.