James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 17, 2024
Hi Jimbo...I hope you appreciate the effort everyone is putting into your downfall 🤣
I do want to thank you for the total amusement you have given me watching everyone make sure you are bought down from a fing mighty height 😘
The laughable thing is he calls us trolls, no most of us in one way or another have said we've jobs. We just drop in when free, some people read books, some people knit, some people browse tiktok and come across weapons like you and take an interest lol so you can quit with the 'have these trolls got nothing better to do' cos no we haven't in our free time 🤣
Jun 18, 2024
Just remembered on his live yesterday… he claimed to have a job and was on sick leave receiving full pay. Other posts in the past claiming to be a successful businessman. So why the GFM claiming financial hardship?
0f course, we know it’s all bs and he’s on benefits but how come his loyal followers never notice these inconsistencies? All the time he’s leeching money off them for monthly subscription fees whilst they slavishly block people who comment. It’s a bonkers scenario.
Jun 17, 2024
I can’t see the attachment, what was this about please
His insta about having a son and going to court for shared custody
Well well you never disappoint do you.

Just been mentioned on here how he's not mentioned cancer for a while and BOOM a cancer related post.

You're far too predictable James, please try harder it's getting VERY boring 😴
That did make me laugh he literally posted minutes after I said it 😂