James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
Jimmy riddle you little worm, what are you going on about in your latest videos? You have proved nothing apart from showing us you are an even bigger deluded liar than we first thought.
You were banging on that you invited ‘sayitasitis’ on your live? Arent you brave, bringing her on with 500 people watching? Well, we have invited you on here and as usual you have run away like the little weed you are.
You actually said last night to your viewers that you had never said it was you in the RNLI video 😂 well the video (s) because there are more than one, have also now been sent to your viewers. And the deep dive on you will be going live.
You have posted about 5 boring videos saying you are taking a break but keep coming back for attention. Bore off.
You may have missed an earlier post too where I stated you had not been airlifted to hospital this week. And yes I can prove that, unblock me if you dare, and I will share the official communication.
I hope your ‘very serious injuries’ of those 2 scratches you shown last night heal soon. I must say for someone with bowel and lung cancer you don’t seem to be losing much weight off your stomach, hospital food must be great. Is the seatbelt in your imaginary Range Rover that you can’t drive big enough?
Now get that psych ward to sort your mind out. Has your mother been n touch to tell you that someone has contacted her about you? It’s all over a facebook. You probably already have the persons ip address though don’t you 😂😂
So while you are mouthing off on your live, if you think you are clever and can prove us wrong jump on here and speak, or my inbox, instead of crawling around and hiding away from us, then calling us trolls 😂😂 You ran away from me in your live by blocking me as soon as I spoke, You really are a melt.
You will be banned soon from hospitals and doctors, done for fraud, done for sending mal comms to someone inbox and done for all the many lies you have told. I can’t wait to see it happen.
Now come for me you 🛎️🔚
I bet his mum really wished she had a headache because she definitely has one now!
No wonder his whole family and friends have walked away from him and his toxic ways.


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
I’ve just been blocked by one off his mods full story’s all bullshit, to travel you would need certain checks done to make sure it’s safe to fly plus a doctors note I’m assuming, nothing adds up. I do think he’s sadly a case of Munchausen’s. All to suss.
plus his ‘wound’ looks like a small cut. i’m sorry but it doesn’t look that deep