James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Oh didn’t take long for his video.
His new line is ‘I wasn’t going to make this video but….’ But what? But you decided to bore us all to tears again.
He starts by saying he is getting bored of the bullshit going around…..yes so are we, sick of YOUR bullshit.
How sad are our lives? Clearly not as sad as his desperate for attention by lying that he has cancer. No friends, no family, no life, just days spent making up stories.
And he says he is giving the chance to show evidence he is lying, but won’t unblock or let us comment in his live 😂😂 we can’t show evidence that you have cancer because there isn’t any! We have evidence you haven’t. Nothing to hide you say? But blocks everyone who asks you a question.
Oh, that person you spoke about isn’t remanded in custody either, not what we heard 😂Lies.
As for your ex friend….slipped up there didn’t you? You first told us she left while you were asleep. Now she left while you were out. How did you manage to stay out until 3.30am, were you not worn out not only with cancer but recovering from 3 major surgeries? Ooops, you can’t even lie properly.
It is on her that she left, she clearly didn’t want to spend another second with you, just like every other person that never stays mates with you. You mean the gorgeous cancer survivor who you kindly referred to as ‘wig head’. You knock us sick, keep making your videos tripping yourself up in every one of them.
Jun 17, 2024
Billy big balls MulberryBush! You seem to know a lot don’t ya 😂 well you know do all 😂 imagine being a sad bastard hiding behind a keyboard and trolling someone! All the images you have of James is scary! I’m getting bad stalker vibes 😂😂

If you know his neighbour, prove it…
do off you wankstain, you are hilarious!! Show the cancer proof
Jun 17, 2024
Billy big balls MulberryBush! You seem to know a lot don’t ya 😂 well you know do all 😂 imagine being a sad bastard hiding behind a keyboard and trolling someone! All the images you have of James is scary! I’m getting bad stalker vibes 😂😂

If you know his neighbour, prove it…
Says the one hiding behind a blank profile you waste man!
I'm not a lying piece of s though am I? Fancy copying a young girls cancer journey as your own.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Billy big balls MulberryBush! You seem to know a lot don’t ya 😂 well you know do all 😂 imagine being a sad bastard hiding behind a keyboard and trolling someone! All the images you have of James is scary! I’m getting bad stalker vibes 😂😂

If you know his neighbour, prove it…
Why you talking in the third person James, we know its you. And thats your name Billy Big Bollocks. Even copied that as well as your mates cancer story.

Listen arsewipe, I have told you many, many times, I’m defo not hiding behind anything, go live and add me and I will show all of my proof. You won’t though because you are a sbag.


New member
Jun 15, 2024
Why you talking in the third person James, we know its you. And thats your name Billy Big Bollocks. Even copied that as well as your mates cancer story.

Listen arsewipe, I have told you many, many times, I’m defo not hiding behind anything, go live and add me and I will show all of my proof. You won’t though because you are a sbag.
If you know his neighbour prove it s bag