Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Aug 8, 2023
It became clear, after that. No real victim of abuse would sit there mocking and laughing and sharing their partners personal life (regardless if that was true or not).

A couple of people actually came to me KK, and asked if you were the abuser and if I knew anything about it as people were concerned for Dan.

Do you remember, when you came for AthomewithRach /cleaningwithrachel?

Do you remember KK, how she had SUCH concerns for Dan, she did a police walfare check? Who you then blasted all over your stories that she was desperate for a shag and how she must be a sheep for Glitz or Aileen to get your address?

NO KK. She rang the police, after watching your lives, speaking with you through DMs and she was that concerned, she rang the police non emergancy number, gave them yours and Dans names, a rough location and got 2 police officers to speak with Dan and visited that night.

What did you say to the police KK? That you had absolutely no idea why they was there. Told them how they were wasting their time and funds/services and that you were all fine, never argue, and that you was both trying to have a nice evening??

Of course, that is when she came for Glitz and Aileen AGAIN for wrongly thinking they gave her address out to AthomewithRach.