Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Aug 1, 2023
I’ve heard a few different reasons (from other parents) so I’m not 100% sure. I believe there was (or is) social services involvement with her children? Again, I’m only quoting what I’ve previously heard, I’m not 1000% sure it’s true or not.
So how have you come across this thread then if you know her in person and live by her


Nov 10, 2023
How can she sit there and say that it's not her fault her child can't count to ten!!! I've been reading this thread since the beginning and watched her car crash of a life for a while with shock & amusement that people like her are allowed to roam the streets..... but her story this afternoon has actually pissed me off, and if anyone feels sorry for you then they are just as deplorable as you..... As a mother to not know how to teach your children the basics is just utterly mind boggling!! The moment they start learning to talk, walk etc you count with them, either reading or nursery rhymes, out and about walking and shopping, even watching TV or sitting them in front of a bloody tablet teaches them, it's the easiest thing in the world to teach your child, counting, colours, abc etc
That has really pissed me off that she's sat there and said it's not her fault he can't count! It is your fault! You're a lazy fing c**t who takes no responsibility for their actions! You might feed, clothe and put a roof over their heads but that's it!!
Women like you should have been sterilised at birth or swallowed!


May 3, 2023
What age is her little boy again? Could someone upload what she’s saying please? As I love to hear the absolute nonsense she comes out with to avoid taking any accountability. Yes, she might’ve been number 1 on the Sun stories or whatever accolade she was crowing about but at what cost when your school age child can’t count to 10?! Does he have additional needs or has just been neglected by her so much that he’s presenting as if he has?


Nov 2, 2023
So one person commented on her post that she slept with a black man…which as we all know is true and that launched her into a big rant about racism.

How many people is she trying to offend with this now?

Wasn’t she creaming her nicks videoing when they turned up to a car meet the other month.

Just say your jealous of the attention all the young beautiful car girls and there awesome cars get.

‘Attempt to drive as-well as a man’ oh KK you sexist thick slut, the bits between your legs absolutely does not determine how good a driver you are.


Nov 10, 2023
I reaaaaally want to believe shes trolling us with this can't count to 10 thing. I mean truly, that can't be real?
It was on her stories, I don't know how to share stories, not technically minded but not that thick that I couldn't teach my children to count before they started nursery let alone school! She had a meeting with the school and basically said she felt guilty for being so thick she couldn't teach him how to count! She should feel guilty, guilty for being a lazy parent!
Apr 16, 2023
What age is her little boy again? Could someone upload what she’s saying please? As I love to hear the absolute nonsense she comes out with to avoid taking any accountability. Yes, she might’ve been number 1 on the Sun stories or whatever accolade she was crowing about but at what cost when your school age child can’t count to 10?! Does he have additional needs or has just been neglected by her so much that he’s presenting as if he has?
Dragged up and neglected them kids are the way the are because of her, she should be ashamed of herself, and yes ppl like her should be sterilised
Apr 16, 2023
It was on her stories, I don't know how to share stories, not technically minded but not that thick that I couldn't teach my children to count before they started nursery let alone school! She had a meeting with the school and basically said she felt guilty for being so thick she couldn't teach him how to count! She should feel guilty, guilty for being a lazy parent!
She felt guilty for being so thick she couldn't teach her child to count, she knows how to count ,that is the worst excuse ive ever heard, no KK you didnt teach your kids as you bone fkn idle and can't be bothered with them ,never mibd guilty you should be ashamed of yourself


May 3, 2023
She can count when she’s doing her reduced raids/she can count when she’s working out percentages re. her OFs. She’s an AWFUL mother. It just shows the priority and attention those kids get from her. One of those parents who think nursery and school should bring the kids up and teach them EVERYTHING. She’s failing her kids so why she comes on Social Media with the flex that she’s some sort of goddess I have no fing clue. Humble yourself, ya donut.
Apr 16, 2023
She can count when she’s doing her reduced raids/she can count when she’s working out percentages re. her OFs. She’s an AWFUL mother. It just shows the priority and attention those kids get from her. One of those parents who think nursery and school should bring the kids up and teach them EVERYTHING. She’s failing her kids so why she comes on Social Media with the flex that she’s some sort of goddess I have no fing clue. Humble yourself, ya donut.
Well it was a case of school potty training him aswell, most ppl do that before start school, but not her, expected school to do that aswell


Apr 16, 2023
She can count 48 meatballs !!

How as an adult human, responsible for a child, does it not ever enter your head to teach them to count? I actually think she has spent their whole lives on her phone. 928288383 screen shots of anyone she’s ever had an conversation with & playing at being a PI over a man she shagged who gave her a false name, but she’s never sat down with those kids & taught them to count ?!!

I hope you do feel ashamed because you should, you lazy b.

What makes it worse is she never worked until about 18 months ago, she had four whole years at home & did nothing !! My mind is blown.
Apr 12, 2023
Is anyone genuinely shocked she’s saying her kid/kids can’t count to ten, she spends her life on SM or rolling around like a weeble on the stinking carpet no way she would ever teach them anything other than how to swear or eat copious amounts of junk food, she will be blaming the school because after all it’s 100% their job to educate her kids how dare you all expect her to teach them anything you’re such awful trolls harassing her again 🐷

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Is anyone genuinely shocked she’s saying her kid/kids can’t count to ten, she spends her life on SM or rolling around like a weeble on the stinking carpet no way she would ever teach them anything other than how to swear or eat copious amounts of junk food, she will be blaming the school because after all it’s 100% their job to educate her kids how dare you all expect her to teach them anything you’re such awful trolls harassing her again 🐷
Not only can he not count to 10, which ok if the reason is additional needs. BUT SHE DIDNT KNOW? School had to tell her? Maybe I'm not shocked as she is as you describe above BUT that is shocking. That's what she should be most ashamed about, that IS poor parenting. If he struggling and falling behind you would spend every night doing fun learning activities. Count the bloody blueberries on the food platter for goodness sake.
Apr 16, 2023
I know people say the kids "basic needs" are met so SS won't do much, but isn't being an actual backwards Billy a bit of a red flag? That age and can't count to 10? Surely it's a basic need to have general knowladge implemented before they start school?? Honestly she's vile. Can't teach Ted and Cheese to count but can post this vile bollox over the internet for all to see!! How are your kids gonna know you "did it all for them" when they can't even count the pennies you've earned and the pennies THEY'VE NOT SEEN 🤣 how embarrassing 😳
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Apr 25, 2023
I know people say the kids "basic needs" are met so SS won't do much, but isn't being an actual backwards Billy a big of a red flag? That age and can't count to 10? Surely it's a basic need to have general knowladge implemented before they start school?? Honestly she'd vile. Can't teach Ted and Cheese to count but can post this vile bolloz over the internet for all to see!! How are your kids gonna know you "did it all for them" when they can't even count the pennies you've earned and the pennies THEY'VE NOT SEEN 🤣 how embarrassing 😳
Omg that pic is one of the worst ones I've ever seen....actually feel my breakfast coming up


May 3, 2023
My just turned 6 year old came home with homework the other night. It included these symbols < and >. So I went over what greater than and lesser than means in simpler terms, we have those wee cube things to help her with her sums so used them to aid. Imagine Kayleigh having to explain that when she didn’t even know her kid can’t count to 10 🤯


Apr 16, 2023
She’s the most misogynistic woman I’ve ever come across. She’s happy to exist as simply a pair of “huge tits” and that’s it. No aspirations to be anything more. She just wants to attract attention & feel desired, and she’s does this by constantly referencing her boobs.

She doesn’t even want to be a good mum which is heartbreaking for those two kids.