Lou @Lifewithloux

ste lightyear

May 2, 2023
The story about the prostitute is there isn't one
This is what we've been told
Lou and ste planned to say to the court that the reason ste was carrying drugs and a weapon was cos a prostitute said if he did not she'd show lou proof they d slept together so he did it out of fear .
Lou knew he didn't sleep with one and that ot was all made up for alibi .Lou was off her face again yesterday and don't think ste hasn't been there. Ste was spottedheading that way
Jun 21, 2023
The story about the prostitute is there isn't one
This is what we've been told
Lou and ste planned to say to the court that the reason ste was carrying drugs and a weapon was cos a prostitute said if he did not she'd show lou proof they d slept together so he did it out of fear .
Lou knew he didn't sleep with one and that ot was all made up for alibi .Lou was off her face again yesterday and don't think ste hasn't been there. Ste was spottedheading that way
They really are a pair of idiots, aren't they?
May 23, 2023
All bullshit. If you lost feeling in any part of your body, you'd be hightailing it to the doctors/A&E, and quite rightly so. Instead, she's festering in her pit. Usually she can't keep away from the doctors 🙄
I know but she said her support workers rang the drs about the codine, so that’s why she’ll not ring them if there not handing out the goods
Apr 17, 2023
The story about the prostitute is there isn't one
This is what we've been told
Lou and ste planned to say to the court that the reason ste was carrying drugs and a weapon was cos a prostitute said if he did not she'd show lou proof they d slept together so he did it out of fear .
Lou knew he didn't sleep with one and that ot was all made up for alibi .Lou was off her face again yesterday and don't think ste hasn't been there. Ste was spottedheading that way
Ste don’t do anything out of fear!!!

why would a prostitute need him to carry a weapon and tablets for

none of,it makes,sense 🤷‍♀️🤪🤪🤪
Jun 21, 2023
So the police stopped him and searched him and he needs an alibi?? What is he gonna say it was his fing double drug addled twin they stopped? Methinks Ste doesn’t understand what an alibi is 🤣
I think what he's looking for is a Perfectly Valid Reason, and his first thought was "oh, a prostitute blackmailed me" because that's totally going to garner sympathy from the judge


Apr 16, 2023
The story about the prostitute is there isn't one
This is what we've been told
Lou and ste planned to say to the court that the reason ste was carrying drugs and a weapon was cos a prostitute said if he did not she'd show lou proof they d slept together so he did it out of fear .
Lou knew he didn't sleep with one and that ot was all made up for alibi .Lou was off her face again yesterday and don't think ste hasn't been there. Ste was spottedheading that way
We need in the wild pics from now on to believe you please x