Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 17, 2023
I should have known that last night drama was bullshit coz it’s Lou and it’s what she does.

what would give her more sympathy from her followers…. Ste taking her £50 and using it for drugs or… ste being arrested for trying car doors !!!!!!!

the fact that when she was hysterical earlier in the evening it was coz he had her £50 says all we needed to know.

and don’t forget twolls don’t go looking on the people you follow on TikToks profiles coz accor to Lou that means you are obsessed !!!🙄🙄🤐
Aug 16, 2023
Umm but Lou weren't long ago you was doing 'fingers crossed' that he gets sent away for quite a while.... You were excited for it. Couldn't wait.
Same as everything LIES!
hope he actually gets his life sorted because you are a still person.. still in exactly the same position you was years ago.. still not making an effort with anything.. still the same excuses.... Still not giving a s about your kids.
Aug 29, 2023
Just watched a screen recording on TikTok of her last night and she's doing her usual whys he done this to me - as if he purposely went out and got arrested. Did he actually even get arrested? She's going on he knows I need him to help me. The guy probably feels like her carer. Imagine actually being her carer. She is too lazy to do anything for herself. I'd like to know why she gave Ste £50 in the first place? She's not sent him off down the shop for £50 worth of red bull and choc choc. So she's probably just annoyed she didn't get the drugs she have him money to go and get for her
Sep 6, 2023
Just watched a screen recording on TikTok of her last night and she's doing her usual whys he done this to me - as if he purposely went out and got arrested. Did he actually even get arrested? She's going on he knows I need him to help me. The guy probably feels like her carer. Imagine actually being her carer. She is too lazy to do anything for herself. I'd like to know why she gave Ste £50 in the first place? She's not sent him off down the shop for £50 worth of red bull and choc choc. So she's probably just annoyed she didn't get the drugs she have him money to go and get for her
Soon as she said she asked her to go on a mad one I knew that's why she gave him £50. No chance it was for smokes. He was caught last night with drugs on him, the suspicion of trying cars is only the cops excuse to search him. She's upset cause she now has no drugs and no £50. None of those tears were for ste. the only actual friend she had in real life is now gone. Queue a hell of a lot of lives from her cause noone else will talk to her


May 11, 2023
I only skimmed through Grey's vids of her meltdown. Someone obviously just joined and asked what she was crying for, someone said Ste had been nabbed for trying car doors to rob stuff, and off Lou goes "NOT TRYIN TA ROB STUFF" or something to that effect. Wtf was he doing then you fat mess? Going and telling the owner there car was open? Almost as good as when he got caught trying to score on the phone and she said "SCORE AS IN STEAL, NOT DRUGS".


Oct 18, 2023
I only skimmed through Grey's vids of her meltdown. Someone obviously just joined and asked what she was crying for, someone said Ste had been nabbed for trying car doors to rob stuff, and off Lou goes "NOT TRYIN TA ROB STUFF" or something to that effect. Wtf was he doing then you fat mess? Going and telling the owner there car was open? Almost as good as when he got caught trying to score on the phone and she said "SCORE AS IN STEAL, NOT DRUGS".
What is greys username as I always miss her bloody lives!
Sep 6, 2023
He wasn’t arrested she said!

He went on a bender.he asked her to join him but she said no so he went in his own.

He said he was arrests he had taken her £50
So how did the story of his mam ringing Lou and telling her he'd been arrested for trying cars come from? I was sure she said something about him having drugs on him when being searched. Haha amazing how stories spread isn't it?